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General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Honest Officer, it ain't me
« on: December 24, 2016, 11:32:51 AM »
Yeah I get all the wood I need. My manager at the power company is over all the tree trimming. I just get all of my wood in the summer time and store in two barns. The wife is about ready to have our second boy any day now. I have released her from wood duty until February, she was disappointed. She is a keeper!!
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Honest Officer, it ain't me
« on: December 23, 2016, 04:55:11 PM »
All I see is dollar signs!!
Hardy / First Fire
« on: October 18, 2015, 09:33:21 AM »
The wife fired the H5 up while I was at work last night. I hope that we can let it burn out by the middle of the week.
Hardy / Re: Hardy Update
« on: January 24, 2015, 06:32:22 PM »
I installed mine in September I will probably run her until March. I have two pexalpex lines each one is inside the 10' sticks of pipe insulation and then both of them are inside pvc pipe. I installed a water to water hxc that is in front of the water going in to the hot water heater and I built a bypass around this. The water is hot enough that the tstat in the tank is satisfied and stays closed.I don't know how much heat loss I have I need to get some temp gauged installed and check it out.
Hardy / Re: Hardy Update
« on: January 23, 2015, 09:53:26 PM »
The Zaxbys I'm not a big fan of it should have eaten at MIGs right across the street pretty good home made pizza. Where are you from?? I bet you had some good food in Augusta.
Hardy / Re: Hardy Update
« on: January 22, 2015, 03:16:20 AM »
D2082 cograts on your hardy. First off let me start off by saying my house has a lot of heat loss. My power bills were the main reason why I bought the hardy. Before the hardy I used around 100 kwatt hours a day. Now I use 35 to 40 kwatts a day. My electric bill has been no more than 125 bucks. I have burned thru around 4 chords of wood. I live in the middle of SC so its not that cold here. I wouldn't make it north of the Mason Dixon line. I don't mind cutting wood but I do have a lot of projects on the farm and with this old house so I'm going to try to get a head of the wood this summer. I would not change a thing if I had to do it over again. Best 8 grand I ever spent.
I did the install my self the hardest part was wiring the heat pump up to a new t stat and taking the fan control wiring and isolating the heat pump wiring. I went out and bought a basic 24 vac relay and wired it just like hardy says and it worked great. The folks on here will help you as well. I used alpex with the pipe insulation inside a 4 inch corrugated pipe. I don't know how great that is its hard to get my heat loss readings on that alpex. I want to get some temp gauges on there and see what that looks like
I did the install my self the hardest part was wiring the heat pump up to a new t stat and taking the fan control wiring and isolating the heat pump wiring. I went out and bought a basic 24 vac relay and wired it just like hardy says and it worked great. The folks on here will help you as well. I used alpex with the pipe insulation inside a 4 inch corrugated pipe. I don't know how great that is its hard to get my heat loss readings on that alpex. I want to get some temp gauges on there and see what that looks like
Fire Wood / Dawnpatrol
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:10:28 AM »
I work second shift 2pm to 12am Monday through Thursday. We ended up doing OK had some trouble from the wind that pushed the front through last night. Got home around 1 am and filled the boiler up
House was running at 68 nice and warm.
House was running at 68 nice and warm.
Hardy / Re: Hardy Update
« on: December 03, 2014, 11:05:18 AM »
Well I got my first power bill last week and it was great.Last November I avarged 81 kw hours a day and this month I avarged32 kw hours. Bill was 120 bucks. The co-op will be sad from here on out.
Hardy / Re: Hardy Update
« on: November 09, 2014, 12:50:37 PM »
Yes this is my first OWB im heating an old federal style 3000 sq ft farm house with poor insulation. Last winter I spent around 4000 buck in electric bills for a cold house. I would rather just cut wood

Hardy / Hardy Update
« on: November 09, 2014, 08:31:46 AM »
Well I have been real happy so far with my H5. I have been getting some good burn times between 12 and 18 hrs on a full load. It has been mild weather here in SC with lows in the thirtys and highs in the sixtys. Here is a link to the first burn in her on youtube.
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Taco Pumps
« on: November 05, 2014, 06:13:11 AM »
Thats a good idea oaky i will have to make a note of that for the summer. I might keep her going in the summer anyway for the hot water.
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Taco Pumps
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:08:18 AM »If you run the pump all the time, it will probably last longer, because it does not have to start and stop, so less chances to seize up or get stuck.I agree 110% Littlejohn Thirty years on a farm and seven years working for the power company I have learned this lesson on many holidays and cold late nights. Just this last saturday we had a freak snow storm here in SC and thats never happened before worked all day getting the lights back on. Murphy is always enforcing his law.
...it also will fail on the coldest night, during a snow storm, on a holiday weekend, cause it can. Expect Murphy's Law, so if possible have a backup pump -> does not necesarily have to be a 100% match for your application, but it shouls be enough pump to get you by for a few days, til the weather lets up and you can replace the pump with the permanant replacement
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Taco Pumps
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:15:53 AM »
How long should i expect my taco circulator pump to last in my Hardy H5 it runs all the time. Im running a heat exchanger in my duct as well as domestic hot water heat exchanger that also has a taco pump on the domestic hot water out side of the heat exchanger.
Hardy / Re: Hardy H5 to zone vavle and goodman heat pump
« on: October 29, 2014, 06:16:28 PM »
Here is an update on the H5. I finally had some time between working at the power company and taking care of my wife and 2 year old to get the H5 finished. I ended up getting a second 24 vac relay and installing it in my heat pump. I wired it up just like in the manual and it works like a dream. I also had to re wire the circulator pump to run all the time so i would have hot water all the time. We are suppose to get our first frost on Saturday night so I'm excited to see it running.
On another note I have enjoyed this site I normally don't get involved on forums to much but there are tons of info in here for a beginner like myself.
On another note I have enjoyed this site I normally don't get involved on forums to much but there are tons of info in here for a beginner like myself.
Hardy / Re: Hardy H5 to zone vavle and goodman heat pump
« on: October 23, 2014, 07:32:18 AM »
yes thats from the factory the cir pump L2 wire comes out of at GFCI outlet and runs to contact 4 and comes from contact 5 and goes to the cir pump
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