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Author Topic: LT90 combustion fan  (Read 3790 times)


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LT90 combustion fan
« on: November 28, 2016, 08:52:41 PM »

Hopefully somebody can help me out because I'm pretty stumped. I have a Woodmaster LT90 and this is our seventh season using it. I went to go start it up for the season a few weeks ago and I could not get the combustion fan to come on. There is 120 volts going to the fan but it would not work. I figured I had a bad fan and I purchased a new fan & installed it and still no comb fan. So I took power off of the solenoid and hooked it up to the leads on the fan and now the combustion fan is running. Problem is the combustion fan now runs continuously during a call for heat as opposed to the way the fan is designed where it should be shutting off when the stack temperature reaches a certain temp. Does anybody have any experience with Woodmaster combustion fans and/or this model of the LT 90? The fan running continuously during the call for heat has its pluses and its minuses. Constantly have a good hot flame and there's nothing but pure ash when all the fire is burning down and the chimney stack is nice and clean with zero creosote. The bad part is I seem to be going through a bit more wood and I would imagine a little higher electrical cost running the fan. Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: LT90 combustion fan
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2016, 02:49:52 AM »

I'm not very familiar with the product line but it sounds to me that the issue isn't with the fan but instead either the control or a sensor, they have a pretty good reputation out there for knowing their stuff, I would give them a call.
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