I figure this year is my "free and clear" year. We have a two story with two electric furnaces. We put a second story over a ranch home. First two years, would spent over a thousand a month on electric.
Similar heating bill is now about 150- 200. I still havent installd the water heater unit. I have my garage heater, am waiting for my brother to hook it up before firing up the boiler. Figure keeping the garage at 40 or a little higher will help with a warmer buble for the bonus room above it, and for the living and dining area next to the garage.
We did a bump out on our kitchen remodel and added a four seasons room above the bump out. Since we have the OWB, I didnt think twice about utilitiy cost. We did five foor windows for a view of oyr pasture. I got the highest s.unlight blocking uv Windows available, and did a passive solar adjustment on the eaves. Less sunlight in Summer, more in Winter. My main goal is reducing AC cost. Heat is cheap.
Additionally, My lower furnace was installed in the early 70's. I don't feel the need to update to a more enertgy efficient unit. Figure I am afew thousand paid into the OWB by never having to do that.
My neighbor who educated me on OWB has a double wide that he added a two story Branch Davidian looking thing next to it, was getting killed on propane. Given the suprise attack fill up the tank without telling you program, he paid over five bucks a galln a couple times. Now, the only propane he uses is to keep the pilot light on the furnace.
I have ample wood at the farm, and have to cut anyway. Just had one fall in the weaning lot this week. Had a tri-axle of mill remnants dropped off to keep me ahead of the game for cutting this Winter.
I just love turning up the temp as much as I please. Only worry is that wood hasn't burned down too low overnight. Got it down pretty good now, though.