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Author Topic: Central Boiler boil over  (Read 4880 times)


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Central Boiler boil over
« on: November 01, 2017, 03:23:26 AM »

Woke up this morning hearing my furnace kicking on at 2:30. Thinking to myself laying there why the hell is the furnace kicking on...I jump out of bed knowing there is a problem. I loaded my Central Boiler 5036 last night after dinner around 7 and everything is running great. When I ran out this morning the boiler is out almost out of water and sitting at 208 degrees. For what ever reason the damper is still open which is what caused the boil over. After turning off the power I checked all fuses and simply touched the damper door and it shuts. So I slowly started to add water back into the unit and unplugged my pump so I could watch the temp, which only got down to 131. Once the water got above my pump I  plugged the pump back up to start circulating the water. So I figured I have a bad damper solenoid. But once the temp went to 174 the damper opens. So I start a small fire so I can get the temp up to see if it closes at 185 but my question is has anyone else seen this?


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Re: Central Boiler boil over
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2017, 05:51:02 AM »

Happens all the time on those central boilers.  Sometimes it’s wet creosote and sometimes it’s a chunk of ash or something that burns away when thing thing overheats.  I hear the damper door issues more than anything else.  My stove does the same thing if the ash drawer doesn’t get slid in flat and closed right.  I’m the only one who touches that anymore.  The wife had a boil over when I was gone because she wanted to be helpful and dump the ashes out for me.  She learned the hard way why I always told her to leave the ash drawer for me.
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Re: Central Boiler boil over
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2017, 07:43:54 AM »

I had it happen a few times with my Heatmaster when it was new. Lubed up the damper shaft from the solenoid with anti-seize and it has never done it again