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Messages - ben burnin awhile

Pages: [1]
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / new biuld
« on: February 23, 2014, 05:25:13 PM »
hi guys starting new tank in tank build and  i had one question  i am not putting grates in but i want to run blower from back  and not the door would my air pipe go in water to front of firebox  or only in the firebox  thanks for all the information on this site very very helpful

Home Made / Re: New Build, pics and questions
« on: February 13, 2014, 01:58:36 PM »
thanks it kinda would make me feel better about it too once again nice builds and love the pics

Home Made / Re: New Build, pics and questions
« on: February 10, 2014, 06:43:43 PM »
nice build looks great  i also am in planning stage and just have one question are there any legs or supports under firebox or does door and flu pipe hold in in place inside the water tank thx

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / dirty water
« on: November 03, 2013, 12:56:41 PM »
i just got the mother in law hooked up with a woodmaster that has been sitting drained for over a year  i filled and drained it 3 times before hooking up  i have a water filter on system   and  was wondering if anybody has any suggestions other than just cleaning filter everyday  thats what i have been doing?  thanks

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: general discussion
« on: August 25, 2013, 08:01:11 AM »
thanks  stove is about90 feet from house  so i think i will replace with only one 011 and put one on the shelf for future replacement easier to buy 2  than 4  thanks for the reply

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / general discussion
« on: August 24, 2013, 07:25:37 AM »
i have cb 6048  with 2  taco 009s in series on supply side impeller came apart on first one  and bearings went on second almost at the same time could i use one pump like an 011 burn year round for dhw  heating 6500 square feet to 5 heat exchangers 2 year old house well insulated thx

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Clothes Dryer?
« on: February 26, 2013, 05:52:48 PM »
 i have 12x12  externally with hose  on old gas dryer   and usually get  about  105  temp out of vent  it struggles with towels  always run them twice replace drum seals  when hooked up though it is on top of 220 dryer with 3 qtr plwood between them kinda like a double decker dryer exchanger sits on shelf on wall behind it been using 2 years happy with it

Pages: [1]