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Author Topic: Grundfos Circ Pump UPS26-99FC Seized Again  (Read 4621 times)


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Grundfos Circ Pump UPS26-99FC Seized Again
« on: April 21, 2021, 09:28:25 AM »


I posted last year that my UPS26-99FC circulation pump on the manifold of my Polar G2 seized. Well... I shut down my furnace for the year a week or so ago. Last night they were calling for -12C so I thought I should turn the pumps on to circulate and prevent any possible freezing. The manifold circulation pump was seized again. I had to take it off and turn by hand, it was fairly tight, to free it up. Put it back on and it starts up now. I tried stopping and starting it a few times and all is good.

I am afraid of this happening in the winter if we get a power outage. I have a Generac backup generator but it takes about 30 seconds or so of no power before it kicks in.

When I took it apart, it looked real clean with no build up of any kind that I could see but, it was sure stuck. It seems to run fine until shut down... strange.
I have a new one but I don't want to install it in case there is an issue on the furnace somehow and I screw that one up too.

Any ideas ??
Polar G2
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Stihl MS261

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Re: Grundfos Circ Pump UPS26-99FC Seized Again
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2021, 08:07:46 PM »

Did you pop the rotor out of the can? If so you should be able to see where it is binding.


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Re: Grundfos Circ Pump UPS26-99FC Seized Again
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2021, 07:03:14 AM »

No I didn't. I just took the head off the pump and turned the rotor by hand a couple of times. That freed it up and its been working since. I have been turning the pumps on at night if it goes below freezing and check to make sure the pump is turning, all okay so far. Very strange.... did it to me last year too, we had a couple of power outages in the winter and on the last one the pump sized and had to do the take apart in the very cold weather. Again, once I took the head off and spun the rotor by hand it was fine.

Just makes me wonder every time the power flickers if the pump is sized. No problems with the other pump on the line circulation. It never looses a beat :) 
Polar G2
580 Case
Kubota F2100
Stihl 028
Stihl MS261

Living the dream...
Near Novar Ontario Canada