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Author Topic: Owners of Midwest Outdoor Wood Furnaces  (Read 42048 times)

Steinacher Sales

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Re: Owners of Midwest Outdoor Wood Furnaces
« Reply #30 on: July 13, 2014, 09:46:42 PM »

To all,

I've gotten several calls for Midwest because their Web site is similar to mine. They would call and rant and rave before I had a chance to say they had the wrong number. I am a Shaver Dealer and could only wish those poor folks good luck in getting in touch with the owner. I think he is based in Michigan?

Greg Steinacher
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 08:49:40 AM by Steinacher Sales »


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Re: Owners of Midwest Outdoor Wood Furnaces
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2015, 01:37:54 AM »

Hey buddy, I warned ya and tried to tell you what was about to happen!  It pretty much went the way I figured it would!  Better luck next time, do you need help getting parts or what's going on now?  Give us an update

The moral to the story is find the right person to purchase your boiler and accessories from. Scott7m gave me a great deal  if I made him look like a hero and I took him up on it for a couple hundred dollars.

If I would have went with Scott right now I would be heating my home with the boiler he wanted to give me.  I have had to buy fuel oil at 4 bucks a gallon since October while the credit card company tried to help get the transaction completed with Lying Craig at Midwest. It STILL is not resolved.So I faked a claim with the credit card company and got my money back.Its what a scammer does. The guy could have resolved the missing parts issue in less than 3 days but chose to blow me off when I threatened him with lying on this forum.So now Im making stuff up here.

I ended up calling Scott on Wednesday night to order the missing items from my purchase with Midwest. The pex and hot water heat exchange showed up in 62 days. I am working in 9 degree weather today trying to get the boiler going. Scott hasnt been helping me with the hookup questions as well....and charging me for his knowledge. Another shameless plug.

Scott isnt a person who stands behind his business, wood boilers, he will be there after the sale as many others aren't when it comes to boilers. They wanna sell you and then they are gone. Scott was there for me even AFTER I bought elsewhere.But he paid me so it all worked out. I will threaten and berate anyone who wont give me what i want and then Ill reverse the charges on my credit card,send them threatening texts and use different usernames on this forum to make them look bad. I mean, nobody noticed that there hast been alot of activity except for my unproven stories and the nice money I got from Scott.

Do yourself a favor if you are researching buying a boiler. Call Scott7m and you will get the answers you need and the service you deserve. His number is under his ID on these threads.

Nope he isn't paying me to plug his business. I can assure you he knows his business and can help you research your needs and get a great deal for you. It's worth paying a few dollars more now than losing your butt long term. Boilers and accessories he is the guy.




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Re: Owners of Midwest Outdoor Wood Furnaces
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2015, 08:45:05 AM »

Scott7 simply was there during my problems with Craig/Midwest/Synergy because he was on this site and offered to help. Scott offered free advice. This site is a great resource.

Crew11 is obviously Craig or his staff (like one other dude Jim) This is small potatoes company that claims its boilers are the best in America with a 20 year warranty. When you are buying one they promise the world then disappear. Fact!

I don't waste time to go after people unless they are wrong. These guys are wrong. So Not Buy a Midwest/Synergy Boiler unless you like getting screwed.

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