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Testing / ProFab Industries
« on: October 23, 2014, 12:40:52 PM »
Has anyone tried to contact ProFab lately? I was curious to see if they had a new site since they moved from Canada to USA.------Imagine my surprise when I got a blank page with just a heading that says,"Account Suspended".Anyone have an idea what is going on?----------shorman
Empyre / Suggestions for Pro 200 Users
« on: February 03, 2014, 01:58:22 PM »
I have had my Empyre Pro 200 for only this heating season so I haven't had enough experience with it to comment on its operation.What I do want to mention to all you owners of this stove is the fragile nature of the ash clean out chamber; especially when it is red hot.The ash poker is better suited to jousting from horseback than pulling ash out of this tiny passage.I bought a 1/4" diameter rod 4 feet long and threaded one end of it.I put a nut on the thread,then a 2" diameter fender washer with a second nut to tighten against the washer and the first nut.This makes it easy and safer to drag out the ashes with less chance of breaking any fire brick and it reaches to the back of the stove so you can tell when you have an open passage.
Secondly (this is minor but convenient) I dump the ashes into an old aluminum cooking pot that holds about 2 gallons.I picked up a galvanized wash tub at the farm store that is about 16" wide and 30" long.I set this on the ground under the ash door and put the pot inside of it to catch the bulk of the ashes and the wash tub catches any spillage and keeps the hot coals off the ground or floor as the case may be.I don't sleep well knowing I spilled hot coals on the floor.
Almost forgot this.I've been using a garden hoe to stir the ashes and position the wood chunks in the fire box for at least 10 years.It is perfect for this job and it is not apt to damage the fire brick in the fire box. It has served two stoves and the wood handle is still intact.-------Shorman
Secondly (this is minor but convenient) I dump the ashes into an old aluminum cooking pot that holds about 2 gallons.I picked up a galvanized wash tub at the farm store that is about 16" wide and 30" long.I set this on the ground under the ash door and put the pot inside of it to catch the bulk of the ashes and the wash tub catches any spillage and keeps the hot coals off the ground or floor as the case may be.I don't sleep well knowing I spilled hot coals on the floor.
Almost forgot this.I've been using a garden hoe to stir the ashes and position the wood chunks in the fire box for at least 10 years.It is perfect for this job and it is not apt to damage the fire brick in the fire box. It has served two stoves and the wood handle is still intact.-------Shorman
General Discussion / A simple tip to make gas engines always start
« on: November 27, 2013, 09:53:30 AM »
Doesn't that just tick you off when you want to split wood or cut grass and your engine won't start.I;m a retired small engine mechanic and I know how to eliminate most no start problems after 20 years of repairing other people's problems.I have been using a new fuel preservative called "Star-Brite".It is the best I've ever used but how I use it makes the difference.I buy two five gallon cans of regular grade gasoline and put one ounce of Star-Brite in each can.Each gas can has a tag on which I put the date I filled the can and I note the 1 ounce of stabilizer I put in the can.No matter what I put gas in,it always has stabilizer in it and I know I'm not going to have old fuel problems.Old fuel was the cause of about 75% of all my engine problems from my customers at my repair shop.Another potential problem is an emergency generator.My generator is 15 years old and starts in one to three pulls---every time.The tank has a tag on it where I note the day I bought the gas for it and put the Star-Brite in it.I also start it every month and run it under load for an hour.When the gas is 1year old,I pour the contents of the tank into my mower or any engine that will use it within a week or so and refill the can with fresh gas and Star-Brite.This is the surest way I know to end old gas problems.Relying on memory does not get the job done.If you can't find Star-Brite locally,check with Stens.com in Indiana.------shorman
Shaver Furnace / Burning coal in a Shaver 250 furnace
« on: January 23, 2012, 01:08:45 PM »
The Shaver manual suggests coal burns best when covered with wood but yet they don't warranty claims made by coal burners.If any of you burn coal,I'd like to have your thoughts on the matter.My 250 is set up to burn wood only but the supply of wood is not certain enough for the long run.
Thanks in advance.---------Shorman----------Salisbury,Md.
Thanks in advance.---------Shorman----------Salisbury,Md.
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