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General Discussion / Get to know me!
« on: February 18, 2015, 05:00:04 PM »
I'm getting sick of reading everyone's comments and not really having any idea who I'm talking to. Have the smart pin this one to the top for quick reference and let's get to know each other a little better. I have pictures in my head of what a lot of you are like but I really have nothing to base it off. For instance I picture slim as skinny,mustache,ratty jeans,smoker,prescription glasses that auto darken when he goes outside,middle 50's,not much into sports,into politics,not a big drinker but maybe a cheap beer if anything! Let's hear from ya! I didn't mean to offend you either slim,that's just what I picture when I read your posts! I will get it started. I'm 33 years old,just got married in September,have my first kid due this september. I'm a concrete guy of 13 years. Residential,commercial,agriculture,walls,flat work,stamped,decorative we do it all. Feel free to ask questions if you want. Everyone seems to have questions about concrete. I live in the country in a log home I built 5 years ago with no female influence and now that I'm married with a kid on the way was that ever a dumb idea! I'm from a town of roughly 150 people in west central Wisconsin. I'm about 20 minutes from la crosse and the Mississippi river. I built a new shed last winter/spring for toy storage and tinkering (heated of course!). I'm into camping,grilling on my Green Egg,occasional drinker,Busch light and captain Morgan, cutting wood,Wisconsin badgers,Green Bay packers,and I quit smoking two weeks ago with Chantix. I View myself as a libertarian for the most part. Let's see what we all have in common rather than heating independence. Can't wait to hear from ya. Almost forgot,I got a 10 year old lab and 4 year old cocker spaniel who love going to the stove with me. Also have two semi tame angora cats that sleep 4 feet away from my wood stove door. It's only a matter of time till an ember lands on one and good night!
HeatMaster / Sweating stove
« on: February 06, 2015, 04:46:54 PM »
Has anyone experienced a sweating stove by chance? I have a 20,000 heating 8,000 sq ft in western Wisconsin. Just switched to this stove this year and like it but the past month and a half or so it's sweating or leaking or both. About a month and half ago I noticed clear water dripping from each front corner. I was getting a crystal clear inverted icicle. Then I noticed one corner on the rear doing it. I unscrewed the corner trim and my insulation was soaking wet. The insulation again the stove has a foil vapor barrier and that was bone dry. Bone dry. Now a few weeks ago I go out and hear a dripping noise. Look under the stove and I'm getting about a drip a second. This water seems to be dirtier. I opened the back door and looked and again everything is bone dry. Open the ash pan and that's bone dry. By the way the drip is coming from directly in the middle of the bottom of the stove. Dead ass center there is a seam in the cover metal and that is where the drip is coming thru. On the bottom side of the firebox/water jacket there is about a six inch air space. I can see clear as day there is no leaks under there and there is no water jacket under the ash pan. I go to lift up the insulation on the bottom of my stove and I can't budge it. It's froze down solid to the metal pan covering the bottom from the elements. My water indicator varies slightly but not enough compared to what's dripping out. If no one has experi need this could you guys do me a favor this weekend and go feel around both sides of your insulation and see if it's wet on the cold side? Heat master says they have never heard of this before. It's not a huge deal just like to know what's causing it and be damn sure it's not a slow leak. Thanks a lot.
Plumbing / Buffer tank
« on: January 12, 2015, 04:53:23 PM »
The buffer tank theory has been discussed quite a bit on here but I'm having problems finding a clear answer. I came across a free 80 gallon water heater. When it's extremely cold I can get some pretty drastic delta t. What's the benefits and downsides of a buffer tank? Where is the best location to put it? Lines come from my stove into my garage and at that point everything splits to do it separate task. I have easy access to everything at that point.
HeatMaster / Accessorie building with a 10,000
« on: January 08, 2015, 05:29:00 AM »
Is anyone heating an accessorie building with a 10,000e? This year I switched from a 10,000e to a 20,000e due to adding a 2800 sq ft shed. I'm happy I made the switch but I would have liked to seen how the 10,000 would have kept up. I'm heating 5000 sq ft house with 10' ceilings and 2800 sq ft shed with 16' cielings. Also heating 2 dhw. Shed is 200' from my stove and the house is about 15' away. I know there is a lot of variables just wondering what the 10,000 is capable of. I am burning about a cord a week of green oak.
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Moisture in the control box
« on: December 20, 2014, 01:21:40 PM »
I recently replaced my Heatmaster 10,000 with a 20,000. The guy I sold my 10000 to called me today. He said the fan would keep running after it hit its high set point. I went over and checked it out and he wasn't lying. The fan would just keep on rolling regardless of water temp. Temps would be boiling the stove over so he would have to shut the power off to the stove. I took the cover off the love control and there was noticeable moisture inside the box. Anyone seen this before?
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Containment cage
« on: December 04, 2014, 06:23:37 PM »
Alright fOllow with me on this one guys. This is geared toward round fireboxes. I have a Heatmaster 20000 with a huge firebox. I might store my lawnmower there in the summer! Anyway,here's my thought...weld a cage just small enough to fit thru your door and as deep as the firebox. This would be installed with an empty stove. The side grate would be maybe 6"x6" mesh. My reasoning for this cage is I think I could save a ton of wood. I can fit almost a truckload in if I want but so much falls off to the side that I feel it's wasting a bunch of wood. Any ideas? Am I crazy?
Plumbing / Thermopex line
« on: December 01, 2014, 07:29:30 PM »
Not trying to stir any pots but for first time installs take this advice for what it's worth. I have a Heatmaster 20,000 heating my house (20') from the stove and a shed (200') from the stove. The twenty foot run to the house is supplied with the silver foil wrapped junk encased in 4" drain tile. I have a 4-5 degree heat loss on that twenty feet. Tonight,FreeHeat, a fellow forum member picked me up a maverick thermometer for use in my shed. The shed is supplied with two hundred,yes 200 feet of thermopex line. We checked the temp on the stove to guarentee calibration then headed to the shed. Once we had the thermometer taped to the supply line in the shed I called my wife at the house. She went to th stove(making fun of us woodstove nerds) and read me the stove temp. To my pleasure and FreeHeats dismay (he didn't use thermopex) the temps were both at 167 degrees. No heat loss on 200'! I couldn't be happier I just wish someone would have told me about this stuff when I hooked my house up. The price diffence is negligible considering the lifespan of underground supply and return lines.
Plumbing / Proper pump selection
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:42:11 PM »
Calling all mathematicians here! Here's my problem: About a month ago I replaced my heatmasterss 10,000 e with a 20,000. Reason for the upgrade was the addition of a new 2800sq ft shed with 16' high ceilings. The shed is located 200' away from my woodstove and roughly 15' lower in elevation. I am running 1" thermopex to the shed. I had the woodstove (800,000 btu) hooked up to just the house for the first couple of weeks. It was relatively warm and all was good. As soon as we put the shed online the stove started steaming a great deal but only when the fan was running. On 170 off 180. I currently have a taco 2400-20-owb pump located in my shed circulating the stove water. When the shed calls for heat a grundfos does the work circulating thru the floors. Main question is the taco pump grossly undersized and not mixing the water in my stove properly? I have a feeling I have 220 degree water on top of my stove,180 in the middle where the aqua stat is reading,and maybe 140 on the bottom. Thanks in advance.

For Sale / HeatmasterSS 10,000e
« on: February 27, 2014, 05:47:14 AM »
I have a two year old 10,000e I'm selling so I can get a 20,000. Transferable warranty ready to roll. Will be in service until the heating season is over. That could be July the way this year is going. Stove is in good shape and has been under roof. Located by la crosse wi. $7500
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Air in lines question
« on: February 06, 2014, 02:10:00 PM »
I'm sure it's already on here somewhere but how much can having air in your lines effect your system as far as heating capabilities. I'm heating with in floor heat upstairs and basement. 2400 sq ft per floor. Thanks in advance.
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Taylor water temp question
« on: January 30, 2014, 05:43:30 PM »
I'm posting this on here due to lack of activity on the Taylor link! My buddy has a 15 year old Taylor. It is a larger one which I believe hold 300 gallons. Today we set up a maverick smoker probe thermometer setup so he could view his temp from in the house. I did this with my Heatmaster last week and love it! Anyway,the temp gauge on the front of his stove read 182 degrees and the probe was only reading around135-140 coming out of the back of the stove. The probe was well insulated and on steel pipe directly where the water comes out of the stove. My temp on the Heatmaster varies about 2 degrees from stove to house entry so how can his be so much cooler (up to 45 degrees) just as it leaves the stove? It seems to heat his house and shop fine but is something wrong?
For Sale / Woodsplitter,skidsteer,tractor,bulldozer,skidder all in one!
« on: January 20, 2014, 05:34:34 PM »
I have a Vermeer trencher converted into a do it all machine for cutting and hauling wood! I can't post pics here with the iPad but I can email them to interested individuals. Machine weighs around 7000#. It's a late 80's model with a sturdy and dependable Ford 3 cylinder gas. Puts out around 60 hp with wide chained tires. The rear trencher has been replaced with a 6 foot I beam and 4 way splitter with around 60,000# of splitting force! Splitter is hydraulically controlled from either the driver seat or back by the splitter. Has a watertight toolbox mounted on the back along with a vise for carrying and sharpening saws. Has another saw carrier on the hood! Has Dana axels and will crawl straight up a cliff! On the front is a six way dozer blade for clearing a path or plowing the the driveway. Also mounted on the front is a 13,000# winch for pulling the logs to you! Winch can either be used hard wired or remote. Also on the rear is a receiver hitch so you can hook your dump trailer on and haul! If someone knows how to post pics on here I would be so grateful. I can email them to someone if they would be so kind. Asking $5000. Located near la crosse Wisconsin. Machine only has around 500 hours on it.
HeatMaster / Questions on a 20,000e
« on: January 17, 2014, 07:28:55 PM »
Hey everybody,new to the forum and so glad I found you guys! I've been looking for years for a site like this! Anyway,hees my question...I currently have a 10,000e (2 years old) heating roughly 4,600 sq. ft. I'm building a 40x60 shop 150' from my house and thinking about upgrading to the 20,000e. Does anyone have any insight or thoughts on this? I have the chance to get a pretty good deal so I want to jump on it if it's the right move. I don't want to find out next winter that I need a bigger stove and have the deal taken off the table. Just as a side note I had a mf 10,000 for the first two years and then sold it to my neighbor and I got the 10,000e. I'm a freak about wood consumption and I can attest there are absolutely no wood savings switching from a standard to an e series. Anyway,back on topic any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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