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Author Topic: Looking to buy a reservoir tank  (Read 9178 times)


  • Training Wheels
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  • Posts: 19
  • OWF Brand: WoodDoctor
  • OWF Model: HE 5000
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Looking to buy a reservoir tank
« on: November 24, 2021, 11:59:55 AM »

I have a Wood Doctor 5000 that decided to lunch an overflow reservoir tank.  I thought I had a cracked weld or rusted through.  When I got it apart I found the plastic tank had pretty much exploded.  I think the hose on top broke and the tank froze, hence the plastic blew apart.

So if anyone might know where I can get a replacement, I would greatly appreciate it.  Not sure if my skills are up to welding and aluminum one that doesn't leak.

Thanks in advance.  feel free to contact me directly.  waverunner196@yahoo.com
