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Author Topic: Newly installed A421abc-02 temp controller won't engage draft blower  (Read 677 times)


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  • OWF Brand: Portage & Main
  • OWF Model: BL-2840
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I installed a new Johnson A421abc-02 to replace my faulty A419abc-2c temp controller on my 2014 P&M BL2840 boiler, are the wire connections different on the wire terminal block of the new controller?

1st photo is the old controller connection
2nd photo is on the new controller. On this controller, photo shows the black wire connected to the 240v as was the old controller, this 240 didn't work with the new controller so I connected to the 120v. Controller engages but not the draft blower.

Does anyone have experience on replacing a A419 to A421?
Much appreciated for any help, my boiler is down and cold weather has moved in into Wisconsin, highs in 40's, lows in the 20'sF
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