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Author Topic: HEAT EXCHANGER BRANDS  (Read 562 times)


  • Training Wheels
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  • Posts: 20
  • OWF Brand: Central Boiler
  • OWF Model: 2400
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« on: November 18, 2024, 10:02:43 AM »

Hey all...   my heat exchanger is about 10 years old... and I think the age... and also the fact that I used the wrong filters, gummed it all up.   not getting much heat transfer from my OWB loop to my OIL BOILER Loop.    So I am going to replace it.   

I have always been of the mindset... that Central Boiler made great products... Though I know they have always outsourced their heat exchangers...  now I see they are no longer American Made... and still want almost 500 bucks for a 5x12 - 50 plate with 1.25 NPT fittings.  Which is fine if they are the best.... and only way to go... but are their other options - that are not a waste of money? 

Any experience or recommendations with not CB heat exchangers?

I found this one... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BLLY6MLH/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A2WGAPI6WQ1R37&psc=1   but dont want to save 150 bucks just to kick myself later.   

Also.... I see they are now recommending they be mounted vertically... is it worth redoing all my plumbing to make a vertical mount work... or just stick with the horizontal? 
