Outdoor Wood Furnace Info

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Scott7m on January 18, 2013, 10:56:41 PM

Title: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: Scott7m on January 18, 2013, 10:56:41 PM
FEMA, national guard, and Portsmouth police all played war games so to speak. 

There scenario:  you won't beleive this

There scenario was to contain folks who were fighting over 2nd amendment rights.  FEMA was decked out in there full space looking suits, police in full combat gear and the guard.  It was nothing short of scary.

They said it was an attempt to get the local police used to working with FEMA and the troops to combat civil uprisings and domestic terrorists. 

This was on mainstream news in my area and also in the papers, scary times lay ahead.  I am a bit of a history nut, and this stuff don't turn out good, I fear for our children
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: martyinmi on January 19, 2013, 06:47:47 AM
I'm with ya Scott. At 50, I'll probably not see a complete gun ban in my lifetime, but I'll wager my 10 year old son will.

I just don't understand the misguided logic some folks have. Somehow they feel that eliminating legally obtained firearms from law abiding citizens will magically get them out of the hands of the criminals and mentally ill.
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: Scott7m on January 19, 2013, 12:36:52 PM
Marty, i think we'll see some scary scary stuff before our end, even you, this country is flat broke, every rich person in the world is hoarding gold like crazy, there trying to disarm the country, wanting govt to make health decisions.  I fully expect in the next 10-15 years to have to fight for what my country was supposed to be, may be in 6 months, 8 years, 12, I'm not sure.   
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: Roger2561 on January 20, 2013, 04:58:22 AM
I'm with ya Scott. At 50, I'll probably not see a complete gun ban in my lifetime, but I'll wager my 10 year old son will.

I just don't understand the misguided logic some folks have. Somehow they feel that eliminating legally obtained firearms from law abiding citizens will magically get them out of the hands of the criminals and mentally ill.

Marty - Try having a civilized conversation with co-workers who are liberal in their thinking.  They believe government control is a good thing.  I agree that we need rules but lets not circumvent the constitution to get the desired effect.  Many of my co-workers believe that if guns are registered, it'll stop the person from killing.  Siting a 2011 FBI report, I was able blow holes through their thoughts.  In 2011 there was approx. 9000 violent crime deaths.  Over 6000 was by fire arm (just a bit over 300 were by rifle - 1700 was by stabbings).   The same report showed there was a tick over 11,000 DWI deaths.  That was approx. a third of the total motor vehicles deaths of a bit over 32,000.  My point to them is, vehicles are registered, the operators are licensed and more people are killed in cars wrecks than they are by the gun.  I wonder what the conversation would sound like if this maniac had mowed these kids down with an automobile rather than shooting them?  There are 140 million automobiles on the road and they lead to over 32,000 deaths.  According to the FBI, there are over 310 millions fire arms leading to a bit over 6000 deaths.  Seems to me like we're more likely to be killed in an auto wreck than being shot!  But, at the government can feel good about themselves because that's all this is, feel good legislation.  Enough of my rant.  Roger
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: skorpyd on January 20, 2013, 05:52:34 AM
Wow Scott, That is scary.   

I tend to lean towards more sinister reasons that the left wing leadership is so bent on taking away our 2nd amendment rights.  As in the historical facts that many totalitarian takeovers were preceded by bans and confiscations.  Even if that's just crazy, disarming law abiding citizens at the price of ignoring our constitution, will not stop criminals and mentally ill, in fact in my mind the violence will increase and the statistics bear that out.

Do you have any links to the local coverages and their spin on it?

Excellent points Roger I really like the automobile analogy, I will have to use it against my favorite libs.

These "interesting" times we live in right now are one of the reasons I'm moving towards more self sufficiency with my boiler build.
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: martyinmi on January 20, 2013, 07:04:36 AM
Very, very good analogy Roger!

Sometimes I find myself wondering if the leaders elected by the majority in this country have somehow forgotten what happened in Germany under Adolph Hitler's dictatorship. First control the media, then civilian gun control, then civilian gun bans, followed by a brainwashed country murdering anyone who chooses to think for themselves and worship how and who they want.

History has a tendency to repeat itself. Most of our ancestors fled their country of origin and came here to escape tyranny. Fast forward 250 + years and observe whats happening here and visualize whats to come.

There, I have managed to get my blood boiling this morning :bash: I think I'll pack up a few chainsaws and take my frustrations out on some standing dead Ash. :)     
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: Scott7m on January 20, 2013, 09:53:51 AM
Folks were closer to times like that then most of you could imagine, I've always been a bit of a conspiracy nut, used to think they were nuts but interesting.  Now what I see happening is exactly what they said would happen, same way with numerous other things

The whole president high fiving kids telling him he was gonna protect them about made me puke
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: skorpyd on January 20, 2013, 01:07:02 PM
Looks like we are preaching to the choir here.   Think I'll go cut some dead ash also.
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: Scott7m on January 20, 2013, 01:10:07 PM
It was in the Portsmouth Ohio newspaper as well as www.wsaz.com (http://www.wsaz.com)
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: AirForcePOL on January 20, 2013, 05:06:09 PM
Somehow through the years, our government has forgotten why the 2nd amendment was ratified.  Or, they know what the citizens of our country are capable of and they are scared of the power that we have. 

The National Defense Authorization Act was their first step to insuring that they can declare Marshall Law whenever they want to.  Next, they create some sort of mass chaos like economical collapse and they can step in to "keep the peace" really, what they will be doing is flooding our communities to completely take them over.  I was talking with a friend the other night about how I can't believe I am preparing for something like this but I believe that if you aren't ready, you will become a victim. 

Get on YouTube and check out videos about Marshall Law 2013.  It will make you think. 

Anyway, time to order some more 30rd mags for my AR before I can't anymore. 

Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: Scott7m on January 20, 2013, 05:13:59 PM
I would like to encourage everyone to seek out and LDS food storage center.  You can go there and buy bulk food at cost, in #10 cans with a 30 year shelf life, they have beans, sugar, flour, wheat, macaroni, coco, all kinds of stuff that will keep you alive.  You can take 6-700 and buy your family enough food for 18-24 months. 

Powdered milk, you name it...

Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: AirForcePOL on January 20, 2013, 05:40:21 PM
That's a great idea Scott, I wish I could talk my wife into it (she thinks I'm crazy).

Also, for those of you that switched from indoor wood stoves I would leave them in place unless you have a very good fuel supply to run a generator.  I'm going to add a room to my house in the near future and will be adding a wood stove in the process. 
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: Scott7m on January 20, 2013, 06:03:38 PM
Yes I'm putting in an inside stove as well...

Buddy, you have a duty to provide and protect your family regardless of your wife's emotions overt it.  There is an LDS food storage just outside Columbus, go to it and get what you can.  Sometimes I think a man has to just do what he needs to, shell thank you later

Wasn't trying to sound harsh lol. Wasn't my intent
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: AirForcePOL on January 20, 2013, 07:35:50 PM
Yeah I hear ya Scott.  She's not interested in current events.  She doesn't vote, watch the news or read the paper so it's hard to convince her that sh**s gonna hit the fan some day.  I'm workin on it though.  For now, I have her convinced that we need a bunch of ammo.  It's a good start I guess   :thumbup:
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: oldchenowth on January 20, 2013, 07:54:28 PM
With a handle like airforcepol, you have experience in policy and weapons as well as survival training.  I would guess that your wife would at least consider you have a clue of what may come.  I know I have told my wife we will be better armed and she agrees we need to be better stocked in EVERYTHING.  I have t o say I am nervous as hell about the future.  How did we get here?  How can so many not see history repeating itself?  God help our kids!!!!!!
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: Scott7m on January 20, 2013, 09:28:26 PM
Glad to see some more people who are awake.....

I have a lot of plans this summer, hoping that time allows me to become better prepared. 

I already have a flock of chickens, I get about 18 eggs per day, I'll be picking up a lot of canning supplies soon.  I am also constructing rabbit cages to raise meat rabbits, I used to do that as a kid and loved it but there could be a time when it would be great to have them.  Rabbit is the most efficient form of meat, they produce the most meat per pound of food, there like the gassifiers of the boiler world lol

Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: Bull on March 07, 2013, 10:32:47 AM
The best way to get family members to become prepper,s is to let them think they are prepping for bad weather storms, earth quakes or other natural disasters that happen daily all over the country. A storm went through here (Southern IN) a few years ago and we lost power for a week. That insures the need for a generator. After a big snow storm the roads are closed so you can't go to the store, great to have plenty of extra food stored for this. I agree that it is going to hit the fan and that may happen sooner rather than later so be like a boy scout and be prepared. Here is a good site to check out http://ingunowners.com/forums/index.php (http://ingunowners.com/forums/index.php)   
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: oldchenowth on March 07, 2013, 02:27:03 PM
Just re-reading this thread.  Be careful Marty, someone might hear you becoming violent on a tree and take your chain saw away.  Or they may chain themselves to it to let return to mother Earth, naturally.

That is when I shoot them.

Scares me every news cast.  Like Roger said, percentage wise there are way more pressing issues out there. North Korea wants a stab at us, all kinds of nations want us dead, and all they can talk about is taking from hard working law abiding citizens.  When the poop flies though, they will run to the redneck down the road for food, warmth, and protection because they cannot fend for themselves.  I just pray my little girl will not have to see any of this, but I'll bet she does.
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: Scott7m on March 07, 2013, 02:37:06 PM
I get half sick when I dig into this stuff, I can say with most certainty we'll rarely hear any truth on the news.  The media is just the show, it's the smoke and mirror show we watch while the corruption goes wild, I'm not blaming congress or them though, I truly believe the powers that be are the global banks and the world elite, our country has already went broke, and the politicians just become the puppets for them.
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: slimjim on May 09, 2013, 06:47:05 AM
On that note does anyone out there want to get involved in helping me with the project that I am working on, if I can make it work I will be producing 5000 to 7000 watts of clean power with my gassification wood boiler while heating my home and shop this next winter. Back on the subject of preparedness, I personnally would rather fight that fight now than leave it to my son 21 years old as we have all left them with over 60,000 in debt to our federal overlords without their permission, because we did not pay attention.I am so happy that more Americans are getting prepared and listening. Get to know your neighbors people, talk politics to them as I do with my potential customers at the shows,sometimes it turns them off but o- well those people would probably hurt themselves with a boiler anyway
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: Scott7m on May 09, 2013, 07:01:42 AM
On that note does anyone out there want to get involved in helping me with the project that I am working on, if I can make it work I will be producing 5000 to 7000 watts of clean power with my gassification wood boiler while heating my home and shop this next winter. Back on the subject of preparedness, I personnally would rather fight that fight now than leave it to my son 21 years old as we have all left them with over 60,000 in debt to our federal overlords without their permission, because we did not pay attention.I am so happy that more Americans are getting prepared and listening. Get to know your neighbors people, talk politics to them as I do with my potential customers at the shows,sometimes it turns them off but o- well those people would probably hurt themselves with a boiler anyway

How do you plan on doing it, you can email me at ssalternativeheating@yahoo.com

Maybe it's something I can help on

I just added 5k solar to my roof
Title: Re: Crazy stuff near me taking place
Post by: Bull on May 10, 2013, 09:12:38 PM
I asked a while back about running a generator off the wood gas from a gasifier owb, I would be interested in your idea also.