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General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Electric bill
« on: November 08, 2019, 04:50:16 AM »
Got up to a cold outside wind blowing and needing to get out and skin a couple deer. Procrastinating,and opened my electric bill for last month:$88.52. House and shop. Pay more for just about everything else. Wish I could hook up my medical bills to this furnace. Even pay more for phone.
Portage & Main / Re: pump runs but not moving water
« on: November 02, 2019, 06:59:29 PM »
Noticed on an earlier post he had his pump in basement, Pump should be on stove and water pushed to house. pulling water even down hill will cause a vacuum and can boil water at a lower temp and cause pump failure and vaper lock. Going to a higher head pump will only aggravate the problem as it will increase the vacuum.
Electronics / Re: second thermostat won't run blower fan on oil furnace
« on: November 01, 2019, 07:52:28 AM »
you got it!
Electronics / Re: second thermostat won't run blower fan on oil furnace
« on: November 01, 2019, 04:56:31 AM »
If RC to W works than you have power to RC. You need a jumper to RH to RC and it should work, battery or otherwise powered. But as RSI said you need C to common if t-stat is powered by 24v from furnace.
Portage & Main / Re: pump runs but not moving water
« on: October 31, 2019, 06:01:17 PM »
Grunfus 26-96 is another option. when installing a unit I would always put a fill valve in the house. Then all you need to do is open the fill valve and close one valve on the furnace and purge air on that side , then close it and on the other and purge that side and your low head pump would have no problem. Then I would use a nrf22 B&G or a 15-58 grunfus on your situation. Pull less amps and cheaper pump.
One thought on pump in house, you are pulling a vacuum on the incoming line and if you have 190 degree water it can boil in that vacuum and steam will cause premature pump failure as well as air lock your lines.
One thought on pump in house, you are pulling a vacuum on the incoming line and if you have 190 degree water it can boil in that vacuum and steam will cause premature pump failure as well as air lock your lines.
Portage & Main / Re: pump runs but not moving water
« on: October 31, 2019, 07:21:58 AM »
air in line. You still using 010 taco? That's a low head pump. If you want to stick with taco get you a 011 and your problem will get solved.
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Classic Edge 750 Opinion
« on: October 20, 2019, 11:54:16 AM »
I'm afraid if you are waiting for that C to die you'll be waiting a long time. You got to keep that 'maybe sooner' phrase alive or you'll get yourself in trouble. I got a G sitting beside my C, but that C has made me retire my splitter and I'm not real anxious to go back there. If it's up to 23" it goes in whole and I know I can't do that with a G.
Electronics / Re: Single thermostat two heat sources
« on: October 02, 2019, 02:45:31 PM »
Some units have only one speed and others are muli speed, and you could have a variable speed. You can excite the green wire and in most cases that will work.however some thermostats will lock the g to the yellow which will make the compressor come on but if you have no air conditioning probably just excite the green wire and the furnace will switch to the appropriate speed if it is different if or when the backup comes on. If you get a back feed in the original stat and the compressor comes on a single pole double throw relay will make it work. I am told newer honeywell stats are open and do not need a relay. But a two stage furnace makes me wonder if there is a possibility it has a variable speed which is a different game to get it to spool up on high.
Yes if it drops to 66 both will come on.
Yes if it drops to 66 both will come on.
Electronics / Re: Single thermostat two heat sources
« on: September 30, 2019, 05:48:43 PM »
When I was installing furnaces I would always relay it so there would be no chance of two speeds coming on at the same time. anyone knowledgeable about the furnace should be able to do that.
Electronics / Re: Single thermostat two heat sources
« on: September 29, 2019, 06:50:12 PM »
Put a second thermostat in and you can chose what you want for primary heat and can always adjust what you want the deferential to be.
Electronics / Re: Single thermostat two heat sources
« on: September 29, 2019, 06:31:48 PM »
You can, but you said you want the propane to back it up and if you lock it in em you have no backup.
HeatMaster / Re: G200
« on: July 24, 2019, 03:07:51 AM »
You have a blue wire that is not being used, at least in the pick on the furnace end, and is probably in the wall behind the face of existing Tstat. I would suggest putting in a relay and powering it with the w on the new stat. The existing thermostat is probably using the G to power the fan in AC mode. Adding a aquastat would allow you to denergize the W on the new stat when the boiler temp drops and potentially the gas kicks in.
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Clothes dryer hookup
« on: March 28, 2019, 07:41:17 AM »
Will bring this back up, Found out with this hookup, works best if I run the dryer as normal. The outside furnace will bring air temp up to about 165 and then electric will come on some to run at max temp and dry quick on less than half the normal electric use.