I'm not sure what to think of this Hawken Newsletter they keep sending out. It seems a lot like "fake news" to me.
EPA Ban On Outdoor Boilers
PLEASE REMEMBER that the EPA has now BANNED outdoor wood boilers. Therefore...Once your boiler reaches its end of life...which hopefully will not be for decades,
We want to help you keep your boiler running for several more decades - helping you SAVE money for many years to come.
This is why we spend so much time on providing YOU operating tips, maintenance information, and other valuable resources to keep your outdoor wood boiler healthy and durable.
Don't miss our breaking new report on steps you can take NOW to increase the life expectancy of your outdoor boiler. Click HERE to read this report.
For more information on the EPA rules on wood burning, click HERE. As you will see, most boilers are banned effective January 2016, and the remainder as of January 2020. Some claim to meet the 2020 "particulate" standard, but do not meet the other 2020 emissions limits. The technology does not appear to exist to meet all 2020 rules, hence the EPA has effectively banned outdoor boilers.