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Government does not reduce government period, regardless of whom is in charge. If Trump rolls back regulations, I will be shocked!
Lots of talk about rule changes overnight. It's not an easy process like some sheep like to believe. I'll put my money on by the time any change would work its way through the system/courts it'll either be someone's second term or someone else's first.
Common sense, yea that's what they have been calling it since the Reagan years, it may seem like common sense to them but common sense to me is, do as you please with your body and property, don't hurt anyone and take responsibility for your mistakes!
It seems to me the elimination of the EPA entirely is a horrible idea. States should be given power for most items, but I believe a good base to start with wherein all states have minimums is also a good idea. Common sense is what we need.Neal
Where does he get coal from?