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Author Topic: Member conduct and ban policy, ALL MUST READ  (Read 13228 times)


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Member conduct and ban policy, ALL MUST READ
« on: August 08, 2017, 04:50:06 PM »

Its come to the attention of the moderators that this site is losing it’s good reputation as a source of unbiased information, therefore a new policy will be set in place.

All members will treat other members with the respect and dignity they deserve, this includes replying to posts of course. No mudslinging, name calling, he said/she said, etc. will be tolerated. If you have a serious beef with a manufacturer then plainly and calmly state your issue in a dignified manner, name calling has never resolved anything.

Moderators, admins and representatives of the various brands represented here will be held to an even higher standard, no mudslinging, name calling, he said/she said, airing of dirty laundry, insinuations or bashing of a competitors brand will be tolerated.

First offense will result in a warning. If another transgression occurs but very minor it will be the moderators discretion if a second warning is issued or if we goto the next step. Moderators/Admin decisions are final, period.

1: First offense after a warning, 1 week ban.

2: Next offense, 1 month ban and your post count will be reset to zero so when your ban is lifted your posts will need moderator approval before being seen by others. Once you prove you can behave yourself and actually act like an adult your post count will be reset to what it was before plus how ever many posts needed moderator/admin approval.

3: Offense #3, see number 2 except ban will be for 6 months.

4: Offense #4, see number 2 except one year ban.

5: Offense #5, just consider yourself permanently banned if it goes this far as you have proven you belong in a sandbox and not an internet forum.

This is not like your drivers license either, offenses won’t drop off with good behavior.

By continued posting on this site you hereby agree to the above terms and will abide by them, if you feel you cannot for any reason abide by the above terms then please delete your account now.

Moderators donate their time to help keep this site running smoothly. They don’t get paid or receive plush Caribbean cruises as compensation, they have other real life responsibilities to look after as well, so 24/7 monitoring of this site is not possible. if you see a post you feel is inappropriate, a report to moderator feature is in each post in the lower right corner, when you mouse over it, it should become underlined, click on that, a new screen should appear, enter a comment in the box then click “Submit”
« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 04:56:29 PM by mlappin »
Stihl 023
Stihl 362
Stihl 460
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HeatmasterSS dealer for Northern Indiana