I have a friend who remodels churches and builds new church pews. A few years ago he asked if I wanted his scrap lumber to burn, he would even deliver it.
Of course I said yes.
On Friday February 7th he brought a load out. One snowmobile trailer full and one pickup bed full of church pew backs, seats, and the little racks that hold the hymnals on the back of the pews. On Monday he brought out another load with more backs and the ends of the pews. He had them all cut up to about 2-3' long so I didn't have to cut hardly anything.
I helped him unload it outside, near the back of my wood shed and hoped I would figure out an easy way to move it inside my wood shed since there was still a pile of firewood in the back of the shed, and I didn't want to have to move that just to bring in this lumber. I want to burn this lumber first before it gets snowed on.
Most of the wood he brought was all flat pieces about 2' square and about 1" thick. I could toss it over the firewood pile, but that would make a huge mess, and if I had someone helping me, I could easily hit them. Then I remembered I have 3 of those 12' long aluminum roller conveyors that hook together. I brought one over and set it on top of the firewood pile on one end, and on a wheelbarrow on the other end and it worked great! Not one piece ever fell off the conveyor early, and I would stack them up to four high.
I'm posting this so that maybe it'll give someone an idea on moving wood, but mostly so that I have an idea of how long it took me to go through this lumber. I think I loaded the stove 3 times since then with regular firewood, and now am strictly using the pews. I fill the stove 1-2 times a day with about 15 flat pieces and it even lasts all night. Temps in the 20's and below.
I've also asked that next time he gets a load, to save me one good church pew about 4-8' long for our basement. My in laws have one and it's kind of neat.
(The last pic is random scrap lumber, and hymnal baskets.)