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Author Topic: 200CSS relief vent rubber ball  (Read 13675 times)


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200CSS relief vent rubber ball
« on: April 18, 2020, 08:59:47 PM »

I was draining my boiler today and after the water started flowing out, I remembered to remove the rubber ball that sits on top for the relief vent.  When I moved it, the vacuum broke and water came out faster, but the metal rod that hung from the ball (weight) was missing.  I don't think it's very important, but...I would like it to be as designed or better.  My dad's newer version of the 200CSS has a candy cane hook where the relief ball is on mine.  Is there a special vent in there or is it just a 180 degree bend in tubing that I could replicate on my own boiler? 

PS: draining the boiler to move it to my parents farm to heat a greenhouse starting next season.  I'll be selling this house soon and moving over there, too. 

E Yoder

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Re: 200CSS relief vent rubber ball
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2020, 11:31:23 AM »

I don't know how the relief vent is supposed to be.
Interestingly, I had a heatmor traded in here that was run dry and burnt and leaking. I found the leak by filling with water, but now I'm trying to figure out how to drain. I don't see a drain valve anywhere. ? Don't mean to derail your thread.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 02:46:56 AM by E Yoder »
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Re: 200CSS relief vent rubber ball
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2020, 03:57:05 PM »

On mine, the top of the tank has a 1" or so pipe that goes vertical through the roof.  It has a weighted rubber ball on it.  It allows the water jacket/tank to pressurize up to about 2 PSI max.  If there's more pressure or a boil over, the pressure or water vents out of the pipe by lifting the ball.  It's simple

I don't know how the vent works on my dad's newer version Heatmor.  I'd copy it if I knew. 

I don't know how to replace the weighted ball on mine, either.  I still have the ball, but not the weight.  I don't know how heavy that weight was, either. 