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Messages - PitMan

Pages: [1] 2
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / central boiler cl-17
« on: July 10, 2014, 02:12:37 PM »
Im still looking for a wood burner and ran across an add on craigslist for a used central boiler cl-17. I cant find much about them online.... shed some light guys.. thanks :)

Like I said.. as long as the states dont go against the constitution...... Let them govern themselves.

How about the federal government just oversee's the states and lets them govern themselves? As long as the states dont do anything against the constitution the federal government keeps their big nose out of it? Then if you dont like the way your state handles things vote in someone who will handle things the way you like or move to a different state. The United STATES has become the Federal Government. It all comes down to POWER and MONEY! BIG government BIG spending and a LOT of people getting rich! How much of every dollar comes from China and other countries (that we end up giving a lot of to other countries) then we divide up the rest for crap like cow farts ect? How much money do we print a day? How much money do we spend a day? I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

I forgot... we need BIG government to hold our hands and tell us how to live! They will keep us safe! I know I feel better knowing they are there doing what they do!

You do know this is the outdoor wood furnace forum and not the green forum right? :thumbup:
I do, why would I join a "green" forum?  Is that where people who understand the logic of using factual data gather?


If you pay someone enough... they will say there is global warming in your ass too. Doesnt make it true. You have to look if anyone (scientist included) have anything to gain from it. Where there is money you will have ppl trying to make money, simple as that. Hard to know 100% how much of it is true and how much is bs $$$

You researched global warming? Do tell....

How did all those funny little faces get on my post, whodunnit.

Global warming.......

So if the earth has had a lot of climate changes in its life.. how do we know how much of it is us? If major warming and cooling has happened WAY before humans had any impact on the earth this too could be a natural cycle could it not? I agree we have a negative impact on the environment but  that doesn't mean we are 100% the reason the climate changing.

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: power outage
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:19:38 AM »
Thats not rly answering the question.. ??? Im sure most ppl dont have a generator and Im sure some have experienced a power outage.

RidgeWood Stoves, defunct, support only / Re: Video
« on: February 14, 2014, 08:20:49 PM »
  :thumbup: :post: :thumbup:

RidgeWood Stoves, defunct, support only / Video
« on: February 14, 2014, 01:00:37 AM »
It would be nice if someone with a Ridgewood would go out and make a small video. I have found almost all brands of outdoor wood boilers on youtube, either a vid made by the company or just a consumer taking their camera out back and showing a little about their Insert brand here wood boiler. Just a thought.  ;)

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Help with ductwork
« on: February 09, 2014, 02:47:16 PM »
Thanks guys. I have looked for used boilers and it isnt looking good for my area. I get that some of the cheaper boilers are close-ish to the same price but they are much much more costly to hook up... right?

No not really....   you could buy that small boiler and hook it up for less than u would think.  U mentioned bear cub, this unit is every bit as good. 

Im not a fan of forced air, youd be better off paying the bill the next couple months than going the air furnace route

Ive to see anyone buy one who was happy

Like how much less than I think? From what Im seeing install kits are like $1,000ish right?

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Help with ductwork
« on: February 09, 2014, 02:37:54 PM »
You can save yourself a few hundred buck through walmart with free shipping.


Thanks for looking bud... but I have a Menards close to me and I have a truck and trailer and a tractor with forks to get it where i need it in the yard. So that would end up being several hundred more.

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