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Central Boiler / Re: Water Test kit
« on: November 06, 2016, 03:48:40 PM »
Finally ended up with a road trip to a stove store next state over. boilerman your site is a good one I saved for other things but the shipping on one bottle was high. The new bottle is a Jan of 2016. I ran the test and it was good so it can wait until next year unless things change. Cheap SOB"S at Central Boiler sell the replacement bottle without an eye dropper, ya pay around $10,000 for the boiler and they sell you a bottle without the dropper built in. Rinsed and washed the old one out to get rid of the black stuff in it. Didn't want to contaminate the new one.
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: heating my upstairs
« on: November 04, 2016, 09:15:21 AM »Heck even I got that Marty, great explanation without getting technical!X2 on that one
Here is my 2 cents worth with some explanation of why. I heat my house with base board hot water from a propane boiler, Like Marty said this is a pressurized system. It has three zones and three circulator pumps, one is for indirect heated hot water and the other two are separate heat zones, one for the first floor and one for the second. My OWB is 10 feet down hill below my walkout basement and is 50 feet away. It has a single circulating pump and the system has a thermostat ( like a car) that will open above 150*, this is so that below 150* the water goes in a loop back to the OWB so that the boiler temp comes up quicker. Once the thermostat opens it circulates into my existing boiler loop. So I have one heck of a height to circulate the water, the 10 feet up to the basement and then one floor up to the 1st and another one to the second. So roughly40 feet from the OWB to the second floor. I tried to run my whole system With the OWB pump with no pressure but I couldn't do it. If The OWB went out I had air in the system and it went right up to the 2nd floor. I had to put in a 50 plate heat exchanger in the basement just before my house system. So now the OWB is an open loop no pressure and the house can run a separate pressurized system. .
Now if you run a heat exchanger and a pump from your main OWB line to bring heat to the second floor You just eliminated any circulation problems and you now you could run a base board heating zone
Central Boiler / Re: Water Test kit
« on: November 02, 2016, 09:12:40 AM »
Yep my bottle is 2 years old. Saw potassium promagnate cheap on ebay but it was a powder and who knows what strength central boilers stuff is. Heck I wouldn't know if I would dissolve it in distilled water or what. My dealer is a hike for me and runs another business during the day so I'll get one off ebay someday, no hurry.
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: How deep did you bury your water lines?
« on: November 02, 2016, 08:52:01 AM »
Right around 2' with the Thermopex, I also used some grey conduit flexible tubing for the power. Glad to have a tractor because by hand wouldn't work. Dug the trench with a 3800 Kubota and I had one boulder so big I could only roll it out.
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: WHAT DO YOU SRAPE YOUR FIRE BOX WITH?
« on: November 02, 2016, 08:40:52 AM »
Yea we got the boiler because the house was cold, we could not afford to keep it warm with propane. The wood stove helped at night but a cold house when we got home got old quickly. We got a few cards and phone calls from our propane dealer wondering why it had been a year since we had a delivery
We will see when we call them, still have a gas stove and dryer, but now my wife loves to use a clothes line.

Central Boiler / Water Test kit
« on: November 01, 2016, 06:48:56 AM »
Yesterday I took out the water test kit from the basement and checked the water. The PH was perfect but the drop test was off. I filled it with 250 ml of water and added the25 drops of the sulfuric acid. I then start to add the drops in and I notice the drops look black and not the pink I remember. I gave up at 50 drops because the color was never staying. Could the test drops be off? I did this last year with no problem, no reason to think anything has happened it's just a regular check.
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: WHAT DO YOU SRAPE YOUR FIRE BOX WITH?
« on: November 01, 2016, 05:58:34 AM »
This is season 2 for the boiler. I like the 1450, had the usual learning curve as far as when to load it cleanout ashes etc. This is my 1st OWB, before this I ran a small wood stove. I gave the 1450 a good scrape down over the summer to get it all cleaned out. It was fun getting in there with a putty knife. I never bothered to oil it down this year. I ran it on weekends burning skids to heat the hot water for laundry, dishwasher and showers. Pain in the neck with all the nails but a good magnet took care of that.
General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / WHAT DO YOU SRAPE YOUR FIRE BOX WITH?
« on: October 31, 2016, 01:45:03 PM »
I am looking for a better tool to scrape creosote from my fire box. right now it's an ice chipper that I put a sharp edge on the blade. Someone must have something good for this.
Electronics / Re: Central Boiler Indoor Water Temperature Indicator
« on: November 28, 2015, 08:29:51 AM »
I have mine in a tee right at the indoor boiler. They come off from my heat exchanger but they are good for measuring temp drop as a heat zone calls.
Electronics / Add on aqua stat
« on: November 26, 2015, 09:43:13 AM »
I need to add an aqua stat to my system. M current set up has a Central Boiler 1450 that goes to a heat exchanger in the house. My indoor boiler is on the other side of the heat exchanger. I have three zones in the house one is priority hot water and two heat zones. The problem is my indoor boiler has an aqua stat on the return line that fires the boiler if retuning water is below 140* So when the call for heat comes in the water goes below 140* and the boiler fires . The heat coming in from the furnace is 190* so the heat is there but the indoor boiler does not know this. I want to place an aqua stat on the furnace water line coming in and wire it to the other aqua stat. Will any strap on aqua stat do or is there a specific one I need. I also want a strap on one to go on the Pex.
Equipment / Re: Who Made a Homemade "Super Splitter Log Splitter?"
« on: November 05, 2015, 03:28:10 PM »
I would be afraid of it kicking logs at me. Ya know I could see a piece of oak with knots and twists flying out
Equipment / Re: log splitter build
« on: November 05, 2015, 03:10:19 PM »
I just finished my build. I started years ago with the frame but stopped due to $$. I have a 5" piston with a 30 " reach. In order to move that large of a piston I have a 13 hp Lifan motor from the Home Depot. Just as cheap AS Harbor Freight bit with a 3 year warranty. I used a 22 gpm pump and the valve has all 3/4 ports. In order to move all that oil I have 3/4 hoses and a 1 1/4 suction hose. The tanks is around 12 gallons. I will post some pics as soon as I figure out where I can down load pics, maybe I am too new to do this?