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Topics - DBeleskey

Pages: 1 [2]
Plumbing / Pump Size Confusion
« on: August 21, 2019, 07:49:33 AM »
Hi Everyone
I am to the point of choosing the circulation pump for my Polar G2 furnace. I have mentioned pump sizes here before and it was suggested that I use the Grundfos UPS 26-99. I thought I was all set to go until I went to order the pump from my supplier. He said he had them in stock but asked why such a big pump. I told him my setup and he said he though the a UPS 15-58 would be all I needed and at a considerable less cost. Now I am really confused. 

My boiler is about 80 feet from the house, the run is LogStor 1" pipe to the house. Once inside I switch to 1" copper, which goes from the LogStor up the wall about 8 feet to the ceiling. Then the copper goes across the ceiling about 16 feet to a plate exchanger for DHW then about 8 feet to the water to air exchanger in the furnace then back to the Logstor.

I have a heat loss done when I built the house last year but not sure how to use that information to do the correct calculations to figure out what pump size I need. I don't want to go under sized or over sized if possible.

Any help or suggestions would really be appreciated .

Plumbing / Insulation for 1 inch copper
« on: April 04, 2019, 02:59:24 PM »
I am running the copper lines in the basement and wondering what is recommended to insulate the one inch copper lines inside the house ? I see the foam based stuff available at Home Depot but not sure whether it would tolerate the high temperatures or not ? I have also seen fiberglass stuff but it seems really expensive..
Any recommendations ?

Plumbing / LogStor Connections
« on: March 28, 2019, 07:51:17 AM »
I have my LogStor pipe installed underground and am getting ready to make the connections at the furnace and inside. The fittings that were sent by the supplier of the LogStor to go from the LogStor to 1" copper seem to be big. Is it supposed to be real hard to get these fittings into the PEX ? Do I have to apply some heat to get them in ? Just seems like there is no way they will go in without doing something...maybe the wrong fittings....don't know. Don't want to heat the PEX if you are not supposed to.
Has anyone had experience with doing this ?

Plumbing / Orientation of Plate Heat Exchanger
« on: March 22, 2019, 03:34:35 PM »
I am getting ready to install my plate exchanger for DHW. Does it matter how it is oriented/mounted ? A lot of systems I see have them installed vertically above the intake for the water tank. My lines run into the tank about horizontally about 10 inches above the tank and the go vertical into the tank. If I can run it in the horizontal run it would be easier but, I want the most out of it that I can. Any suggestions would be great.. 

Plumbing / LogStor in Basement
« on: October 09, 2018, 06:37:54 PM »
Just put my LogStor pipe in the ground today. I left lots at the furnace end for connections but I am unsure about how much to leave inside once I get through the basement wall. I had a little extra so I just stuck it through the wall thinking I could cut to length tomorrow.
Is there a recommended length of pipe to leave sticking through the wall. Don't want to leave to much but also don't want to cut it off in case there is a reason that I am not seeing.

I plan on bringing the copper right down to where the LogStor comes through the wall. Is this also the recommended way ?

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Winter Boiler Shutdown
« on: September 17, 2018, 01:34:07 PM »
Hi Everyone

I am new the the OWB scene and was wondering what a person does when they have a boiler running and have to leave town for a week or so through the winter months and nobody around to stoke it for you ?

Plumbing / Copper VS PEX
« on: September 11, 2018, 07:28:29 AM »
I am installing a new Polar G2. I have LogStor 1" going from the owb to the basement. Once inside should I continue with 1" PEX or switch to 1" copper ?
I am told that most installations these days are done with PEX but all the pictures I see of installations of systems by users of this forum seem to be copper. I had planned on doing PEX once inside from the LogStor until I got near the furnace, about 12 ft, then turn to copper for the run to the exchangers and then back to PEX for the returns at the point I switched to copper for the feeds. Then, it was suggested that I just run PEX for all of it. Any suggestions would be great as I am new to this and want to try and make as few mistakes as possible...

Plumbing / Pump Location
« on: September 07, 2018, 08:12:00 AM »
Hi Everyone

I am doing the install of my Polar G2 boiler. I'm trying to figure out what pumps to use and where they should be located. I was looking at the Grundfos Alpha 1 pumps.

I have two runs from the boiler both using LogStor 1" pipe. The house run is about 100 ft and slightly downhill to the basement. I thought it best to install the pump in the basement for this run ?
The second run is about 50 ft to my garage and is uphill I would think about 5 ft by the time it gets into the garage. I plan on putting a ceiling heater in there so it would be another 12 ft to the ceiling. I understand that the ECM pumps can't be mounted in the back of the OWB because of temperature issues...I don't know. If that is true, what options do I have for the garage run ? I would like to have energy efficient pumps on both runs if possible.

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