Outdoor Wood Furnace Info

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Roger2561 on December 14, 2011, 11:39:05 AM

Title: Current Oil Prices
Post by: Roger2561 on December 14, 2011, 11:39:05 AM
Hi all, I heard on the news the other day that the home heating oil prices are expected to increase another 10 to 15% this heat season.  I'm glad I'm a OWB owner but I worry about those people who are out of a job, on fixed income, the elderly, etc...  How will they manage?  How the heck can the oil execs sleep at night knowing through their actions and greed, many people are left to suffer.  I am a home owner, I live alone in my late folks house they bought when they first married.  It was built somewhere around the 1840's.  I put alot of money into insulation and bought the CB E-classic 1400 this year.  If I have paid for the oil, it would have cost me over $5,000.00 for the 1200 gallons of fuel oil (That's more than I pay out for taxes- we have no sales or income tax so property tax is rather high) simply to heat my house, that's before the expected 10 to 15% increase in price.  If I hadn't found a way to finance the new OWB, I would have had to put the house on the market, which I do not want to do.  I have to purchase my firewood but I get it delivered log length and I buck it up myself.  The last load I purchased was an 8 cord delivery and the guy charged me $800.00 for it.  That's a far cry cheaper than the $5,000.00+ for fuel oil.   Roger   
Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: BoilerHouse on December 14, 2011, 03:52:34 PM
It is good that you were able to find a way to keep the home which has been in your family for many years.  There is no doubt that many people will find things difficult this year.  I am not sure we should blame the oil executives.  They are doing what they are paid to do - maximize profits for the companies owners - the share holders.  Ironically, some of these shareholders, through mutual funds and pension plans, turn out to be little people like you and I.  Free enterprise capitalism is an ugly system which can discriminate against the the more needy of society, however it is the best of several poor alternatives.  There is a saying that the best cure for high prices are high prices.  Solar and wind power, while still in their infancy, are beginning to take root. On the bright side natural gas is at or close to record low prices, which should help some people. 
Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: Bill G on December 14, 2011, 06:34:16 PM
      Propane delivery man was here last week, (NE PA).  I left my note in top of tank to not leave more than 50 gal.  He said since I am still at 30% in the 500 gal tank, he just would't leave any.  No problem as we're only using for kitchen stove anymore.  I think it will be just a matter of time before they decide thier big tank will better serve somebody else.

      Price was 3.09 per gal.  If we were using the propane since mid-Sept, there sure as heck wouldn't have been 30% left in tank!  They only fill to approx. 400 gal in that tank.  So, if we were at 10%, and they put in 350 gal., we would owe "the man" over $1075....

      With the holidays fast approaching, it is sure nice not to have that bill hanging over our heads! 

      Roger, you are right about how difficult it is going to be for most folks to pay their bills this year.  I'm sure that many people will pay a good deal more for heat, than for their mortgage, per month. 

      Very, very pleased with the completed OWB project!  Actually enjoyed doing the work of install and the nice warm house. 

      Glad to hear you are able to keep your family homestead!


Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: oldchenowth on December 15, 2011, 06:07:32 AM
MSN has a story today that 1 in 2 Americans are poor or low income.  Kinda scary, isn't it?  I'm sure glad I was able to get my wood burner in and going before I had to deal with thousands per year in gas or oil.  I truly feel blessed and lucky to have a job and a home I am not renting.  28 1/2 years and she's all mine.  I don't mind sharing what I can to those that DESERVE IT, but it sure rubs my fur the wrong way giving to anchors. I sure do feel for those really struggling.
Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: BIGDIESEL20S on December 15, 2011, 06:38:02 AM
Propane price here is at $2.02. Just bumped in to the gas man a few days ago and I asked him what gas was up to these days.
Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: Bill G on December 15, 2011, 07:46:53 AM

Have to wonder why they want $3.09 from me here in NE PA and only $2.02 in your area?  And with all the new drilling in my area, you would think we should see the lowest prices.  Glad to be feeding the new OWB!!! 

I look back at my parents incomes and in-law's incomes, their yearly incomes.  They brought in half the money my wife and I do.  But we pay 2-3-4 times the amount out just for common necessities!  Sometimes 6-7 times more...looking at health insurance as an example. 

Blame it all on free trade.  Putting us all in the poor house. 

Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: MattyNH on December 15, 2011, 02:32:09 PM
 The current price for #2 heating oil is $3.59 a gallon here in NH..Propane prices vary depending on how much you use.. The more you use the cheaper the price.. I only have it for my kitchen stove...Had propane delivered last month..It was $5.49 a gallon..
Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: BIGDIESEL20S on December 16, 2011, 06:52:52 AM
Bill G, I my self have thought about that same thing after hearing my elders talk about what they made on there pay checks. As far as the gas goes the price of propane does not afect me at all now. I dont even have a tank. My new house is all electric and with the new OWB we cut the electric bill down. ;D
Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: Bill G on December 16, 2011, 03:58:21 PM

     Worked on wood pile for a couple hours before dark today and sure feel good with my near finished wood supply for 12-13 winter!

     This year is exceptional as far as temps go, so I can't readily predict my useage of wood this first year yet.  Had 7 cord ready to go, and down to a little over 5 left.  But, 1 of those cords was poplar and maple which I took the time cut and split because it was right close to my spltter and pile of "good stuff".  Glad I did as it was OK for mid-Sept and Oct. 

     Use to burn 6 cord with my Quadrafire 4200 in basement.  5-6 feedings a day.  I really think the P&M Opt 250 will be on par or better!  Wishful thinking maybe, but, I'm pleased so far! 

     When I look at the c/s/s firewood rows, it is hard to fathom what it is worth in propane.  $2500-$3000 for our 2800 sq.ft. home in propane per year!  Built our house in 2000 and well insulated, a big plus.  Figure 4 years or so for payback.  I never look at it that way, as the feeling of accomplishment and "no mo lp bills"!!

     I'm sure sooner than later they'll be around for their 500 gal tank.  I suppose one could buy their own 100 gal tank and would appreciate any feedback on such.  All we need it for is kitchen stove and hopefully never needed, ever, propane furnace for back-up!

Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: oldchenowth on December 18, 2011, 05:40:57 PM
I don't have fuel oil but do have propane and am a little nervous that they will come and pick up the tank due to lack of use. We filled up once when we bought the house and have not talked to them since.  Went thru 3 gallons of gas for the saw though, and 7 for the splitter.  $35 for 6 cords of wood.  this year.  Does that count for the price of "fuel"?
Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: Treewinder on December 19, 2011, 05:22:50 AM
#2 fuel in the Baltimore area is $3.69   Based on the winter so far I would think that the fuel prices should stay stable or go down.  Maybe that's a pipe dream  :)
Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: BIGDIESEL20S on December 19, 2011, 06:51:40 AM
Talking about buying your own LP tank, I know around here we have some small lp dealers as well as large ones. But all the people I know have went to the smaller guys and asked them if they could buy a tank and most of the time they gave them a pretty fair price on an old tank that needed repainted
and maybe a new valve or regulator. Worth a try in your neck of the woods you might come by a steal.

Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: slimjim on November 30, 2016, 05:48:56 AM
Anybody watching today's crude oil prices, it seems a deal must be in the making with OPEC, I just saw it go from $45 per barrel this morning to $49.10. There was a story this morning on CNN about a meeting of OPEC to drive prices up before Trump takes office
Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: coolidge on November 30, 2016, 09:35:02 AM
I am shure they will cut production to drive up the price, and I bet we see some record prices in the future.
Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: BIG AL on December 05, 2016, 03:17:28 PM
Wow glad I looked at how old this thread was I was really thinking that some of you guys were getting hosed! oil price here today for #2, $1.62\gal. Still happy I'm burning wood but I feel happy for the people less fortunate. Sorry Slim not really good for your business.
Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: slimjim on January 03, 2017, 03:06:52 AM
Wow, 5am and I just checked to see what the world market crude prices are doing today, up over 2% to $55 per barrel.
Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: coolidge on January 04, 2017, 04:33:45 AM
Trump will impose a huge penalty/ tax if it goes above 60 barrel .

Diesel was 2.94 where I was working yesterday, haven't checked current heating oil prices.
Title: Re: Current Oil Prices
Post by: FrozenMongrel on January 04, 2017, 04:55:56 AM
Trump will impose a huge penalty/ tax if it goes above 60 barrel .

Diesel was 2.94 where I was working yesterday, haven't checked current heating oil prices.

Heating oil typically tracks about $.50 less than diesel as it's the same thing without the road tax and added dye. The reason #2 has dye in it is to catch anyone using it in an on road vehicle attempting to avoid paying road tax. It dyes everything it touches, and if an on road vehicle is discovered to have run #2 there can be some extremely hefty fines.