Outdoor Wood Furnace Info

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: atvalaska on January 20, 2017, 02:53:04 PM

Title: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: atvalaska on January 20, 2017, 02:53:04 PM
Lol...Barack was steaming the whole speech, Mooshell was livid, Biden was repeating the chant, "watermelon, watermelon, watermelon..." in his head, and Hillary caught Bill drooling over the First Lady. It's been a good day...
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: Bondo on January 20, 2017, 03:28:15 PM
Lol...Barack was steaming the whole speech, Mooshell was livid, Biden was repeating the chant, "watermelon, watermelon, watermelon..." in his head, and Hillary caught Bill drooling over the First Lady. It's been a good day...

Ayuh,....     I came in from splittin' in the back woodlot to have lunch, 'n just to watch the swearin' in,.....

CBS didn't show hilary or bill,...
Must say, Obo, biden, 'n upchuck shummer didn't look all that Happy,.....

The afternoon went much better, knowin' Obo is no longer President,.....
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: NaturallyAspirated on January 22, 2017, 01:34:43 AM
Partisan hackery drivel.

Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: Roger2561 on January 22, 2017, 04:00:17 AM
I too am happy that he's in but the proof is in the details - can he fulfill his promises.  My SIL HAD to buy insurance using AHA and it's anything but affordable.  She has a $400.00/mo premium with a $7150.00 deductible - that's not affordable (and I thought a $3,000.00 deductible was steep for me).  Because of that, they are considering going into bankruptcy due to not being able to pay their bills; do that or sell the house, the car and move into a tent.  Roger 
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: Rockarosa on January 22, 2017, 07:59:06 AM
Obama stood at the U. N. and promised America will be a Muslim nation by 2016. Then he went to Saudi Arabia and told them" I am one of you". Good riddance to the Muslim. Thank God for Donald Trump.
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: schoppy on January 22, 2017, 03:08:58 PM
Just because the voting is over doesn't mean we can rest on our laurels. The democratic communist party sure won't. We need to keep letting our representatives know we want them to support Trump  Look at how the liberals behave after the election. We would have all been called racist if we would have acted like they are acting now.

Our ex pathetic president and his wife despise this country but are happy to be stuffing themselves at the trough of us tax payers for the rest of their miserable lives.

Enough about the past, we can't waste time blaming the democrats for 4 years like Obama blamed Bush for 8 years, time to get our country back on the RIGHT path.

May God Bless America.
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: NaturallyAspirated on January 22, 2017, 03:56:21 PM
Obama stood at the U. N. and promised America will be a Muslim nation by 2016. Then he went to Saudi Arabia and told them" I am one of you". Good riddance to the Muslim. Thank God for Donald Trump.
You are a loon.

Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: Rockarosa on January 22, 2017, 04:16:29 PM
Neal, it's easy to look this up. I am just telling the truth. The guy wanted to make this a Muslim nation.
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: coolidge on January 22, 2017, 05:20:56 PM
I am glad Trump is in also,but we need to remember that the Senate and Congress are the corrupt branches, and I doubt anything is going to get done very fast.
I hope he starts shaking things up tomorrow.
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: kommandokenny on January 22, 2017, 07:16:34 PM
Trumps in,,, $25 /hour for everyone, and you will still be able to buy a pair of vice grips for 3 bucks......
Don't hold your breath..
Guess we wait and see ?
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: MD20/20 on January 22, 2017, 09:17:42 PM
How can you go wrong with "alternative facts" in your quiver?o
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: mlappin on January 22, 2017, 09:35:59 PM
Didn’t vote for either the Donald or Killary. Happy that it’s not Hillary, would be even happier if it wasn’t the Donald either. Oh well, told the republicans a while back when they call looking for money that I just made a brand new tin foil hat and please quit calling as I’m a libertarian now.  ;)
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: schoppy on January 23, 2017, 10:58:08 PM
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: atvalaska on January 24, 2017, 04:29:48 PM
The guys did more in 2 months then zero did in 8 years, at least the don likes the country! I luv how the most transparent government in history  flew a plane full of unmarked monies, and as a final kick in the head he gave  $221 million to the Palestinian Authority....that well buy a lot of "random rockets" for them folks to dodge on the other side of the fence... Oh well them Iranians need to add more to their free plane load of our cash...demoncrats lie 24/7 😇
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: kommandokenny on January 25, 2017, 06:06:43 PM
30 billion for a wall.... when they come in by bus, to visit, and don't leave.
Now thats a waste of money..
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: aarmga on January 25, 2017, 06:24:33 PM
Yup I agree. Still better than 900 billion for the "un" affordable care act.
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: kommandokenny on January 26, 2017, 04:58:58 PM
Nocare act is a bad look,, also???????

maybe Mexico will pay for it(http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e212/kommandokenny/image001.gif)
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: atvalaska on January 27, 2017, 04:14:40 PM
Better the moneys spent on a wall then..funding this graph
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: kommandokenny on January 27, 2017, 04:33:06 PM
Make pot legal,,, and those taxes could fund the cost of policing the harder drugs.


Guess there's no easy way to solve all the issues...
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: ST98 on January 27, 2017, 05:12:38 PM
Billions for a wall.  I can't wait to see all the American people out in the fields picking crops for piece work or minimum wage. Maybe that's where all the high paying jobs will go. We're cheap and the first time you pay a dollar more for a pint of strawberries the wall will be torn down, let alone one of trumps "non bankrupt businesses.  Sheople walk this way.........

We had crap for candidates but to hear people put this much faith in one person is crazy.  When it all blows up I'm sure it will be someone's else fault. Not the American people who can't find decent candidates for either party.

I'd like to say in three years, wow I was really wrong. Trump got elected so I guess anything is possible........
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: Bondo on January 27, 2017, 06:15:55 PM
I'd like to say in three years, wow I was really wrong. Trump got elected so I guess anything is possible........

Ayuh,.....     I've been waitin' All my life for this to happen,....   Finally,....

I plan to watch it play out for the next 8 years, til President Pence is elected,....
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: kommandokenny on January 27, 2017, 06:19:36 PM
"Political bankruptcy" within the year?
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: duramax on January 28, 2017, 07:21:25 AM
I too am happy that he's in but the proof is in the details - can he fulfill his promises.  My SIL HAD to buy insurance using AHA and it's anything but affordable.  She has a $400.00/mo premium with a $7150.00 deductible - that's not affordable (and I thought a $3,000.00 deductible was steep for me).  Because of that, they are considering going into bankruptcy due to not being able to pay their bills; do that or sell the house, the car and move into a tent.  Roger

I can agree with that. A couple of years ago my wife and I were unemplyed at the same time. Her contracting job was cancelled when they cut her project and my manufacturing job was gone because they eliminated a couple of shifts. Despite the fact that all we could afford was our bills but not "affordable health care"  we were in a bind. Our savings went to buy health care for my wife, and let me tell you it was worthless. None of her doctors took it and the deductible was outrageous. I had no choice but to go without health care for a few months. When I made phone calls to explain why I had no health care they added it all up and said you are right, no way you could afford it. We made to much money the last year to qualify as low income, Damn me and my working for a living and paying my taxes :bash:.

Now I can say that I wanted Ted Cruz in there not Trump but it has to be better than 4 years of Clinton. I am a big believer in giving the person elected as president a chance to see what they can do. I hated Obummer from day one but I gave him the respect of office and gave him a chance to see what would happen. Unfortunately he was as bad as I feared.   But do the Libs now give our new president a chance, heck no. They call for him to be killed. Madonna wants to blow up the white House, if I had made that statement with Obummer I would have been arrested and in jail.  But this bad behavior on the Libs side is no shock, par for the course. By they way why have none of the Hollywood crowd moved out of the United States yet? Go leave and never come back because I for one will never miss them.
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: kommandokenny on January 28, 2017, 08:13:47 AM
Well said.Duramax
Obviously half the country feels as you do.
Martin might want to move this thread to the general chat area.

Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: mlappin on January 28, 2017, 12:06:18 PM
I too am happy that he's in but the proof is in the details - can he fulfill his promises.  My SIL HAD to buy insurance using AHA and it's anything but affordable.  She has a $400.00/mo premium with a $7150.00 deductible - that's not affordable (and I thought a $3,000.00 deductible was steep for me).  Because of that, they are considering going into bankruptcy due to not being able to pay their bills; do that or sell the house, the car and move into a tent.  Roger

I can agree with that. A couple of years ago my wife and I were unemplyed at the same time. Her contracting job was cancelled when they cut her project and my manufacturing job was gone because they eliminated a couple of shifts. Despite the fact that all we could afford was our bills but not "affordable health care"  we were in a bind. Our savings went to buy health care for my wife, and let me tell you it was worthless. None of her doctors took it and the deductible was outrageous. I had no choice but to go without health care for a few months. When I made phone calls to explain why I had no health care they added it all up and said you are right, no way you could afford it. We made to much money the last year to qualify as low income, Damn me and my working for a living and paying my taxes :bash:.

Been there, doing that. As a farmer and self employed, a whole years premiums and deductibles are decided on last years income, with farming last years income may be nothing more than a pipe dream before the end of the following years January.  2015’s excessive rainfall led to half a crop on about everything including hay. Last years insurance was cheap for me because of it, however if the situation arises like in the last drought year but we not only had a bumper crept sell but it was also at record high prices. If lets say 2015 followed that year I’d not have a chance in hell of being able to pay the premiums….
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: ijon on January 29, 2017, 05:20:28 AM
Government seems to put honest hard working people in their cross hairs. These are the people that keep this country going. Get out of their way and let them prosper.
Title: Re: Woo who ! He's in , smoke'm if u got'em !
Post by: ST98 on January 29, 2017, 05:48:58 AM
Government seems to put honest hard working people in their cross hairs. These are the people that keep this country going. Get out of their way and let them prosper.

Agreed. It doesn't seem to much matter what party is in charge either.  No one seems to put the worker first instead it gets hijacked by extremists on either side. Don't like guns don't buy one don't like abortion don't get one and so on but shut up already. Whatever happened to choice.