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Messages - Stihl_Hammer

Pages: [1]
Fire Wood / Re: Burning junk wood
« on: January 30, 2015, 11:42:31 AM »
My boiler seems to do fine with lesser quality wood-for a while when we were in the 30's all I burned was poplar and mulberry. I almost didn't even bother with that wood, but I figured since I already had it I might as well try it. I was getting 12 hour burns no problem-sometimes the draft door wasn't even open when I came to fill it. As far as proportions I'm not sure, this is my first year with this boiler and I'm still figuring it out. All I know is that if it keeps my house and water warm I don't really care what the species is, I just need heat. I've got hardwoods (ash, locust, beech) but why burn those when it's warm out? Until I'm in single digits and below I'm not planning on burning 100% hardwood. Even when it's in the teens and 20's I'll at least mix a few softwoods in there.

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Woodshed made of pallets
« on: January 07, 2015, 10:39:33 AM »
I saw that too but the biggest problem seems to be getting pallets of the same size.

RidgeWood Stoves, defunct, support only / Re: Water Fill Up on Ridgewood
« on: December 08, 2014, 03:25:29 PM »
I ran about 150' of garden hose from a faucet in my house (wanted the water to be softened) to the return line in my boiler. I didn't seem to have enough pressure to completely fill the tank from the return line so after I couldn't hear any gurgling I threw the end of the hose into the top of the vent. One word of caution, I filled mine till the water came out the vent, then ran water through the lines, then refilled it again. BEFORE you put your chemicals in I think it would be good to run the boiler because a lot of water comes out of the sight glass when it gets hot. It will find it's own level. I added the chemicals and then ran my boiler but I'm concerned I may have lost some chemicals out the sight glass. Planning on getting a test kit so I can find out.

RidgeWood Stoves, defunct, support only / Re: Creosete management
« on: November 26, 2014, 12:10:12 PM »
How often do you do that?

RidgeWood Stoves, defunct, support only / Creosete management
« on: November 26, 2014, 10:41:52 AM »
I'm been running my 7500 for about 2 weeks now. I've noticed that the whole inside of the fire box is coated with creosete-should I be doing anything to manage that? Should I be scraping the wall daily/weekly? Only maintenance during the season that Ridgewood mentions is taking care of the ash. Do any of you guys clean your stoves on a regular basis or is it just at the end of the season? Anybody using Ashtrol?

RidgeWood Stoves, defunct, support only / Re: Ridgewood upgrade
« on: November 18, 2014, 09:19:34 AM »
Just put the stack on my 7500 and started it up on Saturday. The pipe at Menards seems to be the least expensive of any of the other options I found, plus it was in stock! I really appreciate the link and pictures, this was the last piece of the puzzle for me. Now to finish up my wood shed. I think I'll end up supporting the stack to my shed somehow. I saw a bracket when I was at Menards, might give that a try.

Plumbing / Re: Street Tee?
« on: November 06, 2014, 10:57:15 AM »
Yeah I found and ordered this yesterday: http://www.supplyhouse.com/Webstone-58655-1-1-4-x-1-1-4-Pro-Pal-Full-Port-Brass-Ball-Valve-w-Reversible-Handle-Primary-Secondary-Loop-Purge-Tee-600-WOG

The price actually isn't too much more than the individual components. To me it's more than worth it as it saves me from having to do some goofy things to get it to work.

Plumbing / Re: Street Tee?
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:54:33 AM »
Yes, they don't seem to have any either. Street elbows yes, but I need a street tee.

Plumbing / Street Tee?
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:43:23 AM »
First Post. I'm trying desperately to get my Ridgewood installed and going before any serious weather comes through. I've pretty much got it except for tying into my gas boiler. I've got a flat plate HX that I need to install, problem is to make the install easiest I've got a space constraint. I need 2 tee's and a ball valve right in line with each other. All 1-1/4" copper. if I could shave off an inch somewhere I could make it work. Problem is that all the mentioned fittings are female, if just one end of any of them were male I'd be all set. I can't seem to find a street tee big enough. I found this one but it's 3/4: http://www.faucetdepot.com/faucetdepot/ProductDetail.asp?Product=153123&AffiliateID=GoogleDirectFeed&gclid=CNftqtf748ECFSFgMgodohIAhQ

I did find this one which looks like a street tee in the picture but no mention in the description. Seems the whole product line is using that picture: http://www.globalindustrial.com/p/plumbing/fittings/copper/tee-copper-x-copper-x-copper-1-1-4-x1-1-4-x1-1-4

Anybody have an idea on what I can do? I just need this one part figured out and I'll be set.

Site Suggestions / Re: Cant login
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:28:51 AM »
I had similar issues-I tried to create an account for 3 months. I never got the confirmation email. All folders were checked. I signed up for multiple account names which are now dead. Finally I just tried to login after a few months and for some reason I was able to. I'm using a gmail account.

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