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Topics - MiHawkeye

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General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Wood moisture content
« on: October 02, 2013, 07:28:44 PM »
Does anyone use the wood moisture meters to check the water content?  I'm new to the OWBs, and have all my wood cut, split, and seasoned, just seeing what everyone else does.

Electronics / My thermostat journey and wiring instructions
« on: September 30, 2013, 06:29:18 AM »
First post for me on here.  I have been lurking for quite a while, and thanks for all the help/info.  I recently bought a Heiss Heater, controversial on here I know, but it fits what I want it to do and feel it is now a good boiler. 

After the install I wanted a single thermostat to control everything inside.  I didn't want to put a second one in, and didn't need a control for the boiler.  In a nutshell, I wated a thermostat that will kick on the blower on my furnace when it gets to X degrees, no propane burning, only the blower.  If it gets to Y degrees, then kick on the propane as a backup heat.  Also needed something to control the airconditioner in the summer.

First HVAC guy I called was extremely rude.  Don't know if his dog just died or what, but was telling me how I needed a control that would turn the blower on the boiler on, turn the pump to the boiler on, and control the water temp, while also maintaining my house at X degrees.  I explained to him that the boiler is all self contained and self controlled, that there is an aquastat sensing the temp of the water, and when it goes below X degrees, then it kicks on the blower to stoke the fire and get it hotter, and that there is a pump circulating the water.  Many times through the conversation he kept interrupting me when I told him what I wanted, and was just an a$$ in general.

Second HVAC guy I called was opposite of the first.  Said no problem, we can essentailly do anything you want to do.  We can control everything from one unit, can do it all....BUT it is going to cost at least $600-$800 for the labor, and the thermostat I use exclusively is about a $500 one, but it is a nice one, you can control the temp from your iphone.

Third through the fifth one I spoke to all told me they can have someone come out to the house and look, but it will liekly require a complete rewire of the furnace system, and it will be a very costly adventure. 

Finally spoke to someone at Honeywell customer service to see if they had anything to do what Iwanted to do.  After theee people I couldn't understand, got an American customer service guy, and he pointed me in the right direction.  I went to Lowe's to find the right one, and wouldn't you know it, they had it, but it was out and wouldn't be getting another one until next week.  BUT, the guy working there said why don't you try the HVAC store at the corner, they might have something in stock. 

Arrived there about 430 in afternoon, right when they were closing shop for the day.  They usually deal in commercial HVAC, but do dabble in residential supply only.  There were a few of them in the lobby, and all came up to me when I was telling one what I needed and my story thus far.  2 minutes later one of them comes out of the back froom with the PRO1 iaq T755 thermostat.  Opened it up and explained the wiring to me and wrote it all out.  He even gave me his card with his cell number on it if I had any questions to call his and he will run me through it.  All for $100.  The way he explained the wiring to me is as follows.

Red to Rh or Rc with jumper between the two.
Green to G and W/E with jumper between the two
White to the W2 for gas furnace
Yellow to Y for cooling.

Took this home, and in 15 minutes had it installed.  Quick technician programming for heat pump and was able to then do homeowners programming for temps and when I needed backup heat to kick on. 

Hope this helps people get the thermostat wired.  This is once again for a system that the boiler is independent.  I know there are some that require a tie in to the blower on the boiler to the thermostat, this obviously won't work for those systems, or if you require a pump tied in also.  If anyone has any questions, feel free to post them on here and I can do my best to answer them about this.


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