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Topics - Deadeye_PB

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General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Ash pan or not
« on: September 09, 2008, 04:03:45 PM »
Hey guys, as you can see, I’m new to the forum and I’ve found it to be a wealth of knowledge so far.  I am planning a DIY outdoor furnace but I have a few question regarding the design.  I plan on using .5” carbon steel tubes as both the firebox and water jacket with a forced air fan.  My problem is figuring out whether to add an ash pan and grate.  I have no experience with outdoor furnaces so the information that I have is based only on research that I’ve done. 

If I didn’t add the pan and grate, it would be much easier to fabricate.  Not having these would also make it less likely to leak because there would be fewer welds and I wouldn’t have to replace grates every so often.  I would have to shovel ashes but from what I understand, a forced air furnace provides a more complete burn and far less ashes.  I’ve been told too that allowing the ashes to stay beneath the coals allows for better insulation and also allows for a better burn.

If I did add the ash pan and grate, it would obviously be easier to remove the ashes.  However, it makes the furnace harder to fabricate, more likely to leak, and I would also have to replace grates every once and a while.

So what’s your opinion?  I don’t mind shoveling ashes but will I really have to do it that much with a forced air system?  The pros and cons seem to be telling me not to install the ash pan and grate.  Is there anything that I’m not thinking of?   

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