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Messages - chadley

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Well Well Well,  Their are beer drinkers on this site????? :thumbup:  My kinda people.  I'm going to be honest and tell you that I'm not very mechanically inclined.  So, I was going to have a buddy that installs industrial boilers do the outside hook up, then have a different guy do the ductwork for the heat exchanger, then try to find somebody else to do the plumbing work on the water heater.  However, my boiler buddy is VERY hesitant to "work to fast".  He thinks this thing is going to take weeks or months to hook up and is very cautious; which I can appreciate.  But, after researching these things for over a year, most say its no big deal.  By all means; I don't want to RUSH into the install but it would be nice to get er done for peace of mind. 

So, let me come full circle back to the beer.  I can provide your favorite beer if you would like to come help me with the install since you have already done it on yours.  I'm in souther indiana.  Any takers???

Fire Wood / Hickory/Cherry Smoking Wood Price?
« on: April 25, 2012, 07:51:07 PM »
I sell firewood as a side job but just came across some hickory and being the off heating season was thinking about selling it to people who use it to smoke their meat during the summer.  I am used to selling wood by the cord but most people don't need that much to smoke with.  So...how much should I charge for smaller amounts of hickory or cherry?  I've searched on the net and seen a dollar per pound but that seems high.  All of the stores (lowes, home depot) have it measured in cubic inches but they estimate 25 lbs for $13.  I guess I'm asking for suggestions based on the info I've given but really would like to know from those on here that have bought hickory in small amounts for smoking purposes.  Thanks in advance.

My stove is coming tomorrow and I was wondering how long it would take on average to install one by myself.  The trench and pex line are done already.  I'm looking at the outdoor hook up, water heater hook up, running the indoor lines, and putting the heat exchanger in along with a separate heater in the garage.  How long did it take you guys?

Fire Wood / New 2nd job = free wood and money
« on: April 23, 2012, 10:27:56 AM »
I just picked up a 2nd job working for a local tree service.  They want the wood gone so i take it and use it to heat my house plus get paid to work for them.  Nice perk of the job.  I love the work and get wood and money for doing what I enjoy.  Can't beat it.

Equipment / Harbor Freight Sharpener
« on: March 12, 2012, 06:15:09 AM »
Okay,  I just bought a chain sharpener from Harbor freight.  It set up was easy and it simple to use.  My first attempt at sharpening a chain with a grind stone came up a bust.  I don't know if I didn't take enough off or what but it didn't cut well at all.  It felt sharp...??  Can you guys help me out on the details?  How long do you "grind" to get it sharp?  Do you just run the wheel across the tooth for a split second then move on or leave it down for a bit and let it grind?  I'm going to use the same chain and practice on it so I don't mess up multiple chains.  I guess I'm going to keep taking a bit more off each time until I get it right.  My angle and everything is right so that isn't an issue.  What do you guys think?

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: best time to install
« on: March 06, 2012, 09:11:36 PM »

no worries.  I sell firewood as a side job and have 8.5 acres of woods with down trees right now I am cutting.  I have 15 chords cut/split and ready to go for next winter and have plenty more to cut/split.

I just wonder.  Assuming I had it completely installed in June; should I fire it up and see how it is going to run even though I don't need heat?  Just curious. I don't want to wait until Oct.to fire it up and realize I have an issue that needs to be dealt with and miss out on savings/heat. What do you guys think?

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Outdoor stove too big?
« on: March 06, 2012, 09:07:05 PM »
Interesting post.  I am buying a 10,000 sq foot stove as well and my house right now is 1800 sq ft but I plan on adding on a 2400 sq ft (or more) detached garage and finishing out my current garage (24x24) into a family room in the future, 

I am going with the larger stove so that it will meet my state's EPA regs. Anything over 350k btu does not have to meet EPA regs.  I'm curious to research more on oversized stoves. Anyone out there that has an "oversized" stove that can help out?

Fire Wood / Re: What would you do?
« on: March 06, 2012, 05:58:21 AM »
a lot of this stuff is like drift wood.  You know there are those logs laying on the wood floor that are rotten and wet; well then there are some trees that are dry as a bone like driftwood. Does that stuff burn well?  I know it will burn but will it be worth putting in the OWB for decent burn times? Obviously seasoned hardwoods would burn longer but that's not my question.  Thanks.

Fire Wood / What would you do?
« on: March 05, 2012, 08:04:47 AM »
I own 8.5 acres of woods and have a lot of down trees.  I also sell firewood, but only good hardwoods (ash, oak, cherry).  This year in a warm year I sold 21 truck loads so far.  I have about that many split and ready for next year and plan on cutting/splitting more before the summer.

My question is this.  I will  have a new conventional OWB for next heating season and I am trying to decide whether to clean up my woods and burn whatever is down (hardwood or not) OR use some of my good hardwood that I am also selling.  Obviously the hardwoods I sell will be more efficient but if I burn it, I will lose money in sales.  The down trees won't take away from my sales but will probably take away from my efficiency.  I do however like the idea of cleaning up my woods and making it look nicer all the while being able to burn the down trees.  What would you guys do in my situation?

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: best time to install
« on: March 02, 2012, 09:04:31 PM »
I went with the Hawken 2100.  I am all for the ASAP too. I don't want to wait.  :P  I'm ready to have it.  My wife wont want to get it till fall since we won't need it till then.  I'm going to try to convince her to go ahead and have it installed.  I'm going to do a lot of it myself but the hook up to our water heater is going to be a chore so I'm having an istall guy do it.  The rest I plan on doing myself.  Wood cutting time now. :thumbup:

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / best time to install
« on: March 02, 2012, 06:37:24 AM »
Finally! I am purchasing a OWB.  What time of year is best to install?  I want to make sure its up and running correctly before next fall.  Giving ground conditions, weather, time to install, time to work bugs out: when is the best time to install?  Thanks,

Equipment / Re: Wood Holder
« on: February 24, 2012, 03:24:30 PM »
yeah i have one.  I call it a log roller.  It has a hook that goes over the top of the log and it grips the log as you roll it backwards towards you.  That allows you to cut without getting into the dirt/rock etc.  Mine works well

Fire Wood / Re: SAW DUST
« on: February 18, 2012, 02:24:31 PM »
What about bark, wood shavings from split wood (kinlin size)?  I get 55 gallon drums full of that stuff quite often from my firewood business.  I'm sure it would burn but would it provide the btu's to heat a house?  Same kinda question as the saw dust.

General Discussion / Re: Greetings
« on: February 13, 2012, 10:35:34 AM »
If ads are a concern for everyone which I think they are, why don't you just put a thread for advertisers to put their ads.  If people choose to look in that thread so be it but it won't bother any of us otherwise.  I think people on here are trying to say no pop-ups etc.

Hawken Energy, support only / Any Hawken Dealers Here?
« on: February 13, 2012, 10:29:37 AM »
If you are a Hawken dealer, please pm me.  Thanks, Chris

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