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Messages - lasasj

Pages: 1 [2]
Central Boiler / Metallic Smell
« on: January 08, 2014, 05:06:44 AM »
CB EClassic 1450 has been running for a few months now.  Every once in a while the exhaust will have a metallic smell to it.  It smells very similar to the barrel of a rifle after being shot.  It seems to do it when it's running a little hot (190's).   Not sure if it's still being broken in or if I'm cooking/warping something I shouldn't be.  No issues or other problems with the unit.  I did bump the temp set point up a few degrees.  I'm considering dropping it back down to 185...

Anyone else experience this phenomena?



Central Boiler / Eclassic 1450 ash
« on: November 25, 2013, 07:13:20 AM »
I've been running my new 1450 for a few weeks now. (Works great  ;D) Ive been checking the lower chamber for the last couple weeks in anticipation of removing the ash, but to my surprise there is hardly any... I figured weekly ash removal but it appears as though I could go months.  This doesn't seem normal to me.  Anyone else with a 1450 care to chime in with their ash removal frequency.  Is this unit just that efficient or am i missing something?

Central Boiler / Re: Firestar Controller
« on: November 02, 2013, 06:01:21 AM »
Thanks Roger,

My unit should be delivered today. I should be able to tell how firestar works once it arrives.  Trench is still open so no worries.  I was surprised that the manuals didn't have anything in them regarding wiring etc of firestar, the brochure had nice pictures but no specs.  Looks like its wifi to some extent but even that requires a data line or card or something. 

I'll post info here once it shows up. Can't wait to hook my new boiler up  ;D

Central Boiler / Firestar Controller
« on: October 31, 2013, 07:46:09 AM »
Anyone familiar with the Firestar Controller... ?

More specifically, how does it connect to the computer?  Do I need to bury a CAT-5 cable or something? 

Does anyone know if it's compatible with mac (apple) ?


Plumbing / Looking for Suggestions
« on: October 24, 2013, 01:24:40 PM »
Given the vast information available here... I'm having trouble answering my questions (though I'm learning a lot)

Background:  Just purchased a Central Boiler e-Classic 1450... installing 140' of 1" thermopex underground through my basement this weekend.  I live in an old, poorly insulated house with large radiators (currently hooked to an oil furnace).  I plan on installing two zones of radiant heating in the near future. 

My Plan:  Purchase a heat exchanger, connect my existing heat pipes to the heat exchanger and leave four tees (with valves) for two future radiant zones.

My Questions:

-What size/brand of pumps/circulators should I get ? (Or how should I determine this)
-What size/brand heat exchanger should I get?
-Do I need any valves (i.e. check valves, thermostatic valves) in addition to regular valves for maintenance?
-Is there a better way to heat my house than what I plan on doing?

I know this is a lot of questions/info, but there's a ton of conflicting info across the internet and I'd like some input to what's good and what I should avoid. 

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!


Central Boiler / Hard Water an issue?
« on: October 23, 2013, 05:43:43 AM »
I'm installing a CB E-Classic 1450; looking into water testing etc.  I have very hard water with high alkalinity.  My house is heated with old radiators that I was considering feeding from the owb.  Will having hard water running through old radiators and returning to the owb cause problems?

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