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Messages - jackh113

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Portage & Main / Re: Got my BL today!
« on: March 21, 2014, 06:30:49 PM »

 Really? Boy that wouldn't fly up here. The school board plans on x number snow days and even when there are more than planned I have never heard of shortening scheduled holidays. I think it would p!$$ off the teachers (union) more than anyone. They even scheduled "professional development" days the day preceding a holiday, so for example spring break was a week plus a day.
I think what your board does is the right thing to do in this instance.

They planned for 5 snow days this year but ended up with 19 total snow days.  People freak when it snows 2 inches around here.  Not to mention we are a little rural town with most of the kids living on dirt roads so getting the school buses safely down snow and ice covered roads is a huge concern.  We were actually fortunate.  Some of the large cities in the area (Fayetteville, Bentonville (home of Walmat)) actually held school on a few Saturdays to make up some of the days.  Needless to say, that didn't go over well with most parents.  lol

Portage & Main / Re: Got my BL today!
« on: March 20, 2014, 04:45:14 AM »
I did let them know but I purchased it right before they started the promotion.  Oh well.  Still waiting on that tshirt though.   :thumbup:

The delivery was the only disappointment with all this.  Was kind of blindsided by it.  Never got a heads up from corporate or the shipping company on an eta.  Originally had the backhoe scheduled to be here Friday to dig the ditch and then come back to offload the stove when it delivered and set it on the pad.  Got a call Tuesday from the truck driver that he would be here the next morning!  Had to scramble to get the backhoe here.  Fortunately the job he had set up for yesterday wasn't ready so he was able to come out.  It all worked out in the end but I was a little nervous there for a bit that I wouldn't be able to offload it.

Portage & Main / Re: Got my BL today!
« on: March 20, 2014, 04:35:54 AM »
I was really impressed with everything I've heard and read about this stove but I'll tell you....now that I have one and have actually seen it in person......wow, this is a bad ass! lol  I can't wait to fire it up! 

Portage & Main / Re: Got my BL today!
« on: March 20, 2014, 04:27:59 AM »
We were a little worried when he pulled in and we saw it sitting up there. lol  Fortunately the buck reached just over the top of the stove by about 8 inches.  If I had been getting the 34 sitting next to it, we'd have been screwed.

Portage & Main / Re: Got my BL today!
« on: March 20, 2014, 04:10:44 AM »
mlappin - I'm in NW Arkansas.  The last (hopefully) snow melted off Monday.  This winter has been crazy.  We normally get 1 or 2 snows a season.  This season we've had 6.  The sad thing is it shuts things almost completely down.  The kids lost most of their spring break to make up days and will be in school til June 10.  Hopefully it will start acting like spring now!

Portage & Main / Got my BL today!
« on: March 19, 2014, 09:23:01 PM »
She delivered this am.  Ain't she a beauty!  8)

Ditch was dug this am too.  Have a load of fines coming tomorrow and installing the underground this weekend.

Ready to fire this bad boy up!

Portage & Main / Re: Want one, need one, insurance issues..... Help
« on: March 17, 2014, 10:06:16 AM »
I would encourage you to definitely take a look at Farm Bureau.  I've been working with them for 3 months now on a claim and they have been above and beyond.

We had a fire 2 weeks before Christmas that was caused by our ancient of days indoor forced air wood furnace.  The motor shorted out, arched to the nearby dryer vent, toasted the dryer and smoked out the house.  They have paid for the past 3 months for our family in a rental while they cleaned and painted the interior of the house.  Since the furnace was so old, they deemed it unrepairable and cashed out on it for enough to purchase a BL 2840 even though it was 30 years old.  We even told the adjuster that our intention was to purchase an OWB and they have never balked at it.

What could have been a real tragedy has turned into a real blessing.  We had been wanting to do some remodeling to the interior and replace the indoor furnace with an OWB. lol  I can't say enough good about Farm Bureau.

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Working on my install
« on: March 15, 2014, 05:34:02 AM »
Just emailed you.  :thumbup:

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Working on my install
« on: March 15, 2014, 05:21:39 AM »
Gothca slimjim.  So in my application (I sent you the schematic the other day) it's a single loop feeding the dhw plate exchanger then the hx in the plenum.  My plan is to place the eliminator after the point of entry to the house on the supply side.  This would be after the pump but before either hx.  It will be the highest point in the line.  Would this make a difference since it's before the pump?

On another note, wen we talked on the phone you mentioned isolating the water to air hx with a 2 way zoning valve.  I'm a little confused on how to set that up exactly.  Could you shoot me that schematic you were bragging about?  lol  Think you said you sent it to scott by mistake.

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Working on my install
« on: March 15, 2014, 04:03:45 AM »
Couple of questions about the schematic sceptre posted from slimjim regarding the air seperator.  Have a P&M BL 2840 on the way and accumulating my parts for the install.  Have a Spirovent JR Air Eliminator on the way with my parts.

1. In the schematic its shown after the plate exchanger but in the install instructions it says to locate it at the highest temp and lowest pressure point ie before the exchanger and before the pump.  Am I misunderstanding something or is it really that critical for proper operation?

2. What is the purpose of the expansion tank on the air seperator in the schematic?  Is it necessary?

**edit:  Think I just answered the expansion tank question myself.  Looks like it would only be necessary on a closed system?

Portage & Main / Re: Portage and Main
« on: March 14, 2014, 06:49:24 AM »
Lol. My wife says I'm a master at the old adage "open mouth, insert foot".  Guess I just proved it again huh.

Portage & Main / Re: Portage and Main
« on: March 14, 2014, 06:31:31 AM »
Thanks oaky.  I'm sure I'll be very happy with it.

Oh and slimjim I'll take a large in black if it's an option.   8)

Portage & Main / Re: Portage and Main
« on: March 14, 2014, 05:01:50 AM »
Cool. I'll pm you my email.

Portage & Main / Re: Portage and Main
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:58:26 AM »
Yep I do, slimjim. Talked to you Tuesday am about line and pump size. Lol. Still curious about the aquastat deal you told me about. I'll give you a call when I have the stove in front of me. Will probably make a lot more sense then!

Portage & Main / Re: Portage and Main
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:39:22 AM »
Wish this had started a week ago!!  lol

Ordered my BL 2840 last week and waiting to hear from shipping co.  Got all my parts order, will be here first of the week.  Backhoe lined up for Thursday to dig my underground pipe ditch.  Time to start having some real fun.   :thumbup:

I want to say thanks to all the knowledgeable guys on here for your present help and past posts.  I've done a lot of gleaning information while lurking on here.  Slimjim and Scott7m especially have been a great help.

I was ready to pull the trigger on a Heatmore until I saw the P&M.  Was sold as soon as I saw it.  The refractory cement and construction were the 2 biggest selling points for me.  Looking forward to many warm winters with it.

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