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Messages - XJCraver

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Equipment / Re: huskee or still saw
« on: February 02, 2013, 04:46:45 PM »
I can't believe that dealer would have recommended alcohol - it'd take a bunch of carb adjustments just to get it to run.  It would probably void the warranty, too.

He was probably talking about TurboBlue or one of the other race-type gasolines.  104~ ish octane.


yes i will agree they make some nice looking and efficient indoor wood stoves but they don't make one for me!

They don't make one for me either.....  Undoubtedly they are good stoves.  But if I had $40K to stick in a furnace, I'd put geothermal in, not ever have to cut wood again, and still have 20 grand in my pocket.   ;D

I upgrade many geothermal units to wood boilers each year...  My parents have geothermal and there freezing to death lol

Yeah, I just heard that from someone else.  Weird, because I've built 3 houses that have geo, and know a few other guys with retrofits to new-ish homes, and they all love them. 

They're just soooooooo dang expensive.  The bid for my house was half-again what a boiler is gonna' cost me.


yes i will agree they make some nice looking and efficient indoor wood stoves but they don't make one for me!

They don't make one for me either.....  Undoubtedly they are good stoves.  But if I had $40K to stick in a furnace, I'd put geothermal in, not ever have to cut wood again, and still have 20 grand in my pocket.   ;D

Fella's -

Seems like I started a bit of "contention" here, and I certainly didn't mean to.  My apologies if so.

I didn't mean to imply that I had anything against the CB units.  They look well put together to me, and I know there are plenty of satisfied customers out there.  My contention with them is my local dealer, who will absolutely get none of my money, EVER (which, incidentally, has nothing at all to do with stoves).  The next closest dealer is ~2 hrs away, and since they didn't have a stove that was on my short-list to begin with, I simply chose not to consider them.  Again, not because of the stoves, but because of the dealer.

I don't recall anywhere saying I was going to be burning exclusively green wood.  I have access to virtually unlimited timber, and already have a decent stockpile of cured wood available.  My requirement that the stove be able to burn "hot" wood such as hedge is because I have gobs of it, and even cured it is full of creosote.  It is what I have the most of, though, so I will be burning it.  I won't be burning 100% green wood in whichever stove I buy.

And I'll explain this again in case some of you missed it the first time - the wish that the stove have a side-mounted flue rather than through-the-roof is entirely a product of my experience as a roofer / carpenter.  It has nothing to do with one stove or another, it's just a design feature I would prefer.  It's solely due to the fact that a side-mounted flue will have much less chance of ever developing a leak than a roof mounted one.  I understand that there are a lot of units out there that have never had a chimney leak - that's great!  I just personally will be happier if that is one worry I never have to have. 

I truly appreciate everyone's info. so far.  You've all given me other options to look at and factors to consider.  I'm still weighing cost / options on the aforementioned "short-list" of contenders, but I'm slowly coming to a decision.  I'll let you all know which one I finally end up with!


And he is getting a central boiler.

Lol.  I can assure you, whatever stove we do end up with, it will NOT be a CB.  Nothing against their stoves at all, but the local dealer is a class-A ____.  I will not spend any money with him, for a stove, or parts, or anything; just not gonna happen.   ;D

Dont mean to ask a stupid question but what is the problem with the pipe in the middle of the stove and why wont they last as long.

That's purely ME.   ;)  I worked as a commercial roofer for a number of years, and am a Gen. Contractor now - anything going through a roof WILL eventually leak, in my experience.  I know well that a little preventative maintenance can make that a non-issue, I was just being optimistic in my "wish list" that I could find a stove that wouldn't ever have that trouble.

After talking with Scott, and reading the board here, I've narrowed my options tremendously.  Thank You all again for all the information, it's much appreciated!

Hey, thanks for the quick responses all, much appreciated.   :thumbup:

Adding additional insulation and replacing doors/windows is on "the list" for the drafty 'ol farmhouse, and will hopefully be next years project.  The trouble is I'm a contractor by trade, so I don't have alot of time (or desire!) to work on my own stuff.  It will be done, though, or I'll be divorced.....

Scott, thanks for the info.  The CPW 250 isn't big enough, you don't think?  It is actually on the "short list" of stoves I was looking at, along with the P&M ML30 and the Heatmor 200 CSS (althought that HM isn't nearly as impressive as the other 2).

Do you have any info on IL dealers?  Close to 62246?

Hi all.  New guy here from IL.  I'm going to be purchasing my first OWB, hopefully within the next ~30 days.   I'll be heating 2,000 sq.ft. of drafty old farm house to start, with a possible future addition of a 24x36 garage down the road.  I've read, and read, and read, and read, and read, until my head hurts, and I still don't have the answers to all my questions.  So, I'm hopeful that if I just post a list of the things I'd like this boiler to do, you fine folks here will be able to lead me in the right direction.  In advance, I'd like to thank you for the help.

I would like for this thing to:

Be self-filling on the water side, and not require any additives / conditioners / etc. in the water
Be able to burn high-creosote, very "hot" wood.  It WILL have hedge (osage orange) burned in it.
Have a large-ish firebox, so I can be not-so-picky in regards to length/girth when cutting wood
Heat my domestic hot water
Have easy add-on capabilities, so I can add my garage to it later
Have a chimney that doesn't go through the roof of the unit - both for efficiency purposes, and for longevity of the unit itself
Have an easily removable ash pan, no augers
Require little, or minimal, maintenance - once a quarter or so is OK, once a week is not gonna' happen (other than emptying ashes)
And, of course, great factory CS would be a huge, huge bonus

Is all that possible, with any of the OWB's out there today?  I realize I may be asking for alot, but I work 2 jobs, and I farm, and I've got 2 kids and a Mrs.  So, I'm going to be lucky to get enough wood cut every year to feed this thing, let alone spend a bunch of time filling/testing water, scraping out heat exchangers, and cleaning chimneys.  I want something that I can set up once and be mostly done.  Load when I leave for work in the morning and when I get home at night, and forget about it the rest of the time kinda' thing.  Is that gonna' happen?

Again, Thanks in advance for the help / wisdom!


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