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Messages - silver star

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It went well, temperature dropped some but it was back up in no time. Still seems to run hotter tan it used to even with a full tank. I turned he max temperature down to 183 for damper to shut off.

The fill is from the top, but it did occur to me while thinking about it, that i should, or could do a slow fill to not create any problem. Didnt think about the temp getting so low it affected the heating performance.

Told the wife that i would need to turn the furnaces up to 75 to cool off the water. We could have worse troubles, than a hot house with relatively free heat.

Second year for it. Probably save a thousand bucks so far this season.

My furnace water is lwer than recommended ans I notice the temp is getting up to 200 at times.

I need to add some water, just wondering if I should when there is such a disparity in temparature.
Any thoughts? Of course Incan always let the box burn down and add later, I know

Fire Wood / Re: Wood cutting
« on: January 17, 2016, 06:04:20 PM »
Couple weeks ago, i came across two nice size trees leaning over so much they were just above the ground. Cut the trunks into splitting sections and left them. Spent part of the day yesterday hauling the pieces out for splitting. Left the pieces in the back of the Mule, and am just driving it to the boiler, lightening the load a little each time.

There is only so many times I want to move the same blasted stick before it gets burned.

Yes those seat belt laws were urred on by a rep n my area. Funny she didnt worry about taking on ABATE over helmet laws. Only professed a concern about safety if there was no organized lobby to raise a stink.

I watched the President's town hall meeting, and the panel discussion afterward. They finally touched on the real issue on the panel discussion. Most gunnies have no issue with good background checks. The biggest reason for pushback at even reasonable gun laws, is "what is next?"

It was explained that there is an inherent distrust of the motive for new legislation, as it is a stepping stone for a move toward a ban.

I have purchased at gun shows before, and I dont have a problem with making purchases subject to FFL rules, regardless if the seller is not a dealer, but buying a space to sell from ne individual to another.

General Discussion / Re: Christmas Eve - Motorcycle Weather?
« on: December 25, 2015, 05:41:34 PM »
Several guys went out yt for rides yesterday. I saw bunches of bikes out today when i was traveling to the flat parts for dinner.   My Triumph is put away though. Have too much going on to get it out.

Central Boiler / Re: Boiler overheated.advise on adding water later?
« on: December 13, 2015, 05:03:15 PM »
Yes you always want to shoot for 12 hour loading intervals. It will cut down a lot on your creosote issues as well as it should really cut bqck on your wood usage.

That was helpful, hondaracer.  I have found my consumption to be way down and performance hasn't diminished.  I am sure i have enough wood cut for this season and am mostly cutting now to keep the place cleaned up and have a head start next year.

This watm spell gave me a chance to shut it down and clean out the ashes. Will start anew next week sometime.

General Discussion / Don't think the wife is interested
« on: December 11, 2015, 07:04:49 PM »
Into the second month of the second season of my boiler, and still learning about wood consumption and all the other wonders of the topic.

Each time I return to the house I give a status update on the boiler temperature and how the coals look.

 She politely acknowledges what I have to say, but I don't think she is as fascinated about it as me.  What's up with that? 

Central Boiler / Re: Boiler overheated.advise on adding water later?
« on: November 22, 2015, 11:55:00 AM »
I just got back from looking it over.   I do have some creosote buildup but founf i had a blown fuse.

As far as loading, I filled it pretty good, hoping to get a couple days worth.   I suppose that contributed?   

Regardlees of mild temperature i still should load 12 hour intervals? This is my second season with the he boiler, so i am so still learning.

Do i just add mor water throung the vent pipe at the top? 

Thanks for input, my installer dealer has some issues with even returning emails on simple questions. I actually had two more buyers sent to them , practically begging for a purchase.   Nada from them.   Got about twenty grand coming at you and don't return calls- great business model.

General Outdoor Furnace Discussion / Re: Central boiler solenoid problems
« on: November 22, 2015, 11:53:36 AM »
Man, i had the exact issue todat and posted about it is under the central boiler section.  Had a blown fuse.

Central Boiler / Boiler overheated. advice on adding water later?
« on: November 22, 2015, 08:13:49 AM »
I found my damper wasn't opening this morning and used a shim to keep it open.  The fire took right off, but worke too well but guess   I had steam coming out the pop off valve     

I suppose i will need to add some water. It isn't blowing now.

Any thoughts? I saw another post about lubing the damper. I will look at that inthe interim

Fire Wood / Re: Not impressed with Husqvarna 732
« on: November 01, 2015, 09:04:46 AM »
Im a southpaw too.  I used it for several hours yesterday. Cut up a lot of trees that had been down for years. Seems to be doing okay. The oiling issue burned up the chain. Put the backup one on and it zoomed.

My Stihl 028 is my backup now, and is running like a champ too, after having the oiler replaced.

The power company identified six maples on my property that were in bad shape and threatened to take down the power lines. I got a gift this week.  By not being a pain in their butt about dropping precious trees, they even cut the trunks up for me.

Gorgeous weekend to get the wood done.

Fire Wood / Re: Not impressed with Husqvarna 732
« on: October 30, 2015, 07:02:45 PM »
Sorry for posting in the wrong category. I got it back from the shop. No issues. There must have been a particle clogging the oiler.   Tomorrow is a big day for it. Tree cutter for the power company took down several on my property this week.   Got a month supply waiting for my attention.

Equipment / Re: Anybody else in Love with their Pickeroon,..??
« on: October 25, 2015, 06:47:33 PM »
I just learned about them, but just by instinct I started using my hooks for grabbing square bales of hay.

Saves a little back ache. Going to try to home make one soon.

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